VAPECON 2022 - brought to you by ECIGSSA
Hearfelt Arena - Pretoria
26th and 27th November 2022
Event Sponsors: Hashtag Vapes, Vape King, Pro-Vape
Online tickets at iTickets

We have asked the VapeCon 2022 exhibitors to tell us whats new and innovative at their stands this year.
We are in for a big treat this year with so many new things to see and innovations to check out:
- Many exhibitors will be making their first appearance at VapeCon - so that in itself is new and worth checking out. There are several first time international exhibitors, so we are very excited to see them here at VapeCon!
- Several exhibitors are using VapeCon as a platform to bring in new products for the first time to the country.
- And there are going to be many new juice launches. From both local and international juicemakers.
Some exhibitors have opted to keep their innovations top secret and announce them closer to the time in their own subforums and other channels.
We have put a lot of effort into highlighting the Innovations and What's New at VapeCon - even more so this year - to ensure that VapeCon remains at the forefront of South African vaping.