Vape fellows, we cannot keep calm to inform all of you a stunning news, today Vaporesso and Heaven Gifts jointly launch the most phenomenal pre-made coil, namely the Vaporesso ECO Universal Coil, and the Vaporesso Estoc Tank.
The EUC coil is a real game changer that could make vaping more affordable while keeping the great experience. The EUC is specially engineered to keep the sleeve while just repleace the EUC in a convenient way instead of changing the complete coil. That means you only need to change the minimal part that is with heating elements while maintaining the metal sleeve at a reasonable cost and avoid any waste.What's more, the EUC is highly compatible with a metal sleeve option available, fitting into the mainstream atomizers in the market. Vaporesso claims the EUC is designed to deliver cloud-sized vapore with the purest flavor of vapers' favorite juice. Its core heating element is as powerful as any full-sized atomizer head and capable to perform on a wide power range. And now the EUC coil has 2 wicking materials option, one is the typical organic cotton, the other is its renowned ceramic.
Equipped with the unique EUC, Vaporesso Estoc tank totally differs from the tradition vape atomizers in the market. While you are vaping with Estoc tank, you could change the coil outside of the chamber even on a full tank. The simplicity design of Estoc tank makes its appearance more aesthetic without losing any vape performance. A optimized airflow makes your vaping smooth than ever. Plus the top filling feature and silica gasks adoption, Estoc is the one you cannot miss this year.
The coming out of Vpaoresso EUC coil makes your vaping more eco. If you guys are interested, please let us know how much you cost on coil changing and how do you think the new coil design here. Later we will have a big surprise share with you if we get many replise here.
It comes with:
1xEstoc Tank with EUC ceramic 0.5Ω coil preinstalled
1xReplacement Glass Tube
1xExtra EUC Traditional 0.4Ω coil
2xProtective Cover
Find more info of Vaporesso Estoc tank and EUC coil, please see here:
More pics:
Don't forget to use our "AHG10" code to enjoy an extra 10% off discount.
The EUC coil is a real game changer that could make vaping more affordable while keeping the great experience. The EUC is specially engineered to keep the sleeve while just repleace the EUC in a convenient way instead of changing the complete coil. That means you only need to change the minimal part that is with heating elements while maintaining the metal sleeve at a reasonable cost and avoid any waste.What's more, the EUC is highly compatible with a metal sleeve option available, fitting into the mainstream atomizers in the market. Vaporesso claims the EUC is designed to deliver cloud-sized vapore with the purest flavor of vapers' favorite juice. Its core heating element is as powerful as any full-sized atomizer head and capable to perform on a wide power range. And now the EUC coil has 2 wicking materials option, one is the typical organic cotton, the other is its renowned ceramic.
Equipped with the unique EUC, Vaporesso Estoc tank totally differs from the tradition vape atomizers in the market. While you are vaping with Estoc tank, you could change the coil outside of the chamber even on a full tank. The simplicity design of Estoc tank makes its appearance more aesthetic without losing any vape performance. A optimized airflow makes your vaping smooth than ever. Plus the top filling feature and silica gasks adoption, Estoc is the one you cannot miss this year.
The coming out of Vpaoresso EUC coil makes your vaping more eco. If you guys are interested, please let us know how much you cost on coil changing and how do you think the new coil design here. Later we will have a big surprise share with you if we get many replise here.
It comes with:
1xEstoc Tank with EUC ceramic 0.5Ω coil preinstalled
1xReplacement Glass Tube
1xExtra EUC Traditional 0.4Ω coil
2xProtective Cover
Find more info of Vaporesso Estoc tank and EUC coil, please see here:
More pics:
Don't forget to use our "AHG10" code to enjoy an extra 10% off discount.