Oupa Owner at Vapour Mountain Supporting Vendor LV 46 Joined 9/10/13 Posts 1,258 Awards 33 Location Cape Town 10/2/20 #1 Coming soon!
StephenE New Vaper LV 9 Joined 25/6/19 Posts 55 Awards 12 Age 52 Location Nelspruit 11/2/20 #3 @Oupa, this is good news. Do you know more or less when this will be available and from which vendors? I need to do my monthly one-shot buy and this will certainly be on the list.
@Oupa, this is good news. Do you know more or less when this will be available and from which vendors? I need to do my monthly one-shot buy and this will certainly be on the list.
jprossouw Experienced Vaper LV 23 Joined 6/5/15 Posts 295 Awards 15 Age 37 Location cape town 12/2/20 #4 Hey @Oupa what about a vm4 one shot?
Oupa Owner at Vapour Mountain Supporting Vendor LV 46 Joined 9/10/13 Posts 1,258 Awards 33 Location Cape Town 13/2/20 #5 ONE Shot should be available from some of the DIY stores by the end of this month.
S SeekerZA New Vaper LV 11 Joined 13/1/20 Posts 46 Awards 12 Age 35 Location Cape Town 17/2/20 #6 Counting down the days. Need a great chocolate flavour