Oupa Owner at Vapour Mountain Supporting Vendor LV 46 Joined 9/10/13 Posts 1,258 Awards 33 Location Cape Town 22/8/17 #1 Attachments upload_2017-8-22_1-19-40.png 16.5 KB · Views: 28
Stosta Sith Lord LV 29 Joined 23/11/15 Posts 7,799 Awards 31 Age 38 Location Durban 22/8/17 #2 Hey @Oupa , will you be selling your merch on the day? Or is the only way I can get hold of it being by winning it?
Hey @Oupa , will you be selling your merch on the day? Or is the only way I can get hold of it being by winning it?
Oupa Owner at Vapour Mountain Supporting Vendor LV 46 Joined 9/10/13 Posts 1,258 Awards 33 Location Cape Town 22/8/17 #3 Good question @Stosta ... we will be selling our new range of apparel yes! Various caps, t-shirts and hoodies
Good question @Stosta ... we will be selling our new range of apparel yes! Various caps, t-shirts and hoodies
Silver Flavour and throat hit seeker Staff member Administrator ECIGSSA Donor VIP LV 68 Joined 16/11/13 Posts 43,442 Awards 51 Location Joburg 22/8/17 #4 This is marvellous @Oupa !! - thanks for explaining and for showing the participating vendors