What are your new year vape resolutions - 2017 ?


Flavour and throat hit seeker
Staff member
Its that time of the year

2017 around the corner

What's your new year vape resolutions or plans?

I will start
  1. I want to embark on DIY - try some nice recipes - and try make two or three ADVs for myself and one or two for my wife
  2. Major reorganisation of my vape cave
  3. Get set up with one or two great drippers - am still on the prowl ;-)
  4. Try review several local juices when time permits
  5. Continue contributing to the forum and help to make it a great 2017 on ECIGSSA

1.Buy more batteries:blush:
2. Get a ADV
3. Get all of those missing diy concentrates:notagain:
4. Build myself a regulated mod
Lekker @hands !
I suppose I will be looking for more concentrates in 2018
1. Start carrying a small spare decent mod or have it at work.
2. Organise my concentrates
3. Up my game on my reviews.
4. Just have fun and contribute on the ecigssa forum as much as i can
1. Stop buying tanks as they dont work for me.
2. Try a new RDA other than the goon

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1. Keep vaping.
2. Build up a sealed backup kit, for when my current squonkers die.
3. Build a dedicated Diy station.
4. Add a few more Awesome ADV's to the lineup.
1. Get new ADV
2. Learn to make staggered claptons myself
3. Build a shelf for all gear
4. Add more gear to shelf

Sent from my SM-A500FU using Tapatalk
1. Keep vaping.
2. Build up a sealed backup kit, for when my current squonkers die.
3. Build a dedicated Diy station.
4. Add a few more Awesome ADV's to the lineup.

Interested to hear what the dedicated DIY station is all about @Raslin
1. Expand my diy juice line. More experiments with menthols and nutty deserts
2. Buy an iJoy limitless classic rdta, as my trusty topbox mini is getting long in the tooth.
3. Buy an iJoy Maxo, rob a bank and and then of course buy the batteries. Failing that I might go for the alien but the paint...Oh my word I'll just stick with the Maxo
4. Build a dual parallel mod.
5. Buy lots and lots of wire and a swivel and get cracking on some crazy claptons

I'll stick to mine and keep you guys updated on this thread.
I expect nothing but the same in return.
Have a great 2017 and keep on vaping!!!
Its that time of the year

2017 around the corner

What's your new year vape resolutions or plans?

I will start
  1. I want to embark on DIY - try some nice recipes - and try make two or three ADVs for myself and one or two for my wife
  2. Major reorganisation of my vape cave
  3. Get set up with one or two great drippers - am still on the prowl ;-)
  4. Try review several local juices when time permits
  5. Continue contributing to the forum and help to make it a great 2017 on ECIGSSA

View attachment 79884
To up my game with DIY juice and cut back on frivolous gear purchases (yeah right)
Stop buying Squonkers and Atty's :risas3:......just joking guys:risas3:.........I want a Authentic Frankie and split atty or a Lucos.
1. Relocate the vape room to the garage.
2. Try stop buying juices because I like the label.
3. Spend more time trying to get the sweet spot in my tanks.
4. Meet more of you guys.
5. Learn how to blow rings consistently, ATM it's kind of a luck-of-the-draw thing.
Mine are rather contradicting.

1. Try spend less on vape related items
2. Increase my DIY concentrate collection and try to DIY more juices.
3. Try and organize my DIY items neatly - right not they are all laying in a box.
Mmmmm 2017...

1. Cull the vape stuff I no longer use.
2. Find a second ADV.
3. Slow down on the buying of everything that moves.
4. Settle down with 2 or 3 HE setups.
5. Attempt DIY a 3rd time.
@Rob Fisher , those are great plans ;-)
Maybe the HE gear will slow things down a bit because theyre more challenging to get !
Mmmmm 2017...

1. Cull the vape stuff I no longer use.
2. Find a second ADV.
3. Slow down on the buying of everything that moves.
4. Settle down with 2 or 3 HE setups.
5. Attempt DIY a 3rd time.
5. Keeping my eyes peeled on something stabwood from the above culling.

Sent from my Serpent Minikin
1. Get more variety of concentrates.

2. Get into coil building.

3. Be more organized with vape gear. (Already got a Coil Master Vape bag)

4. Contribute more to the forum.

5. And finally get MORE of my family\friends of the Stinkies!
1. Convince my mommy that I'm not going to get popcorn lung and that my batteries are not going to spontaneously combust (so that I can stop getting those "see I told you you must stop that water vapour rubbish" emails).
2. Get HRH completely off the stinkies.
3. Convince @Stosta that I don't have a dirty mind (thought I accomplished this in 2016 but merely staying out Dirty lols was not enough).
4. Learn some carpentry to build nicer boxes for the box mods and OTG chargers (those Diecast Hammond boxes are ugly AF and boring now).
5. Post more vaping DIY Hardware tutorials on this Forum.
6. Stop the childish giggling whenever I see "Wiener Juice".