Wicking the Subtank Mini
I see a lot of people having issues wicking the RBA in the Subtank Mini. Here's how I do it and I can hit it at 30w all day long with no dry hits.
By D3adkl0wn · 1 day ago · 16 images · 7,521 views · stats
Wicking the Subtank Mini!

Box Shot
This is the wicking material I use $11 at Shoppers Drugmart

It's a sandwiched sheet of goodness

This is your coil, if you didn't know that already, turn back now

Cut your wick

I cut this so that it is about a mm or so wider than the inner diameter of the coil. MUCH larger than any other wick I'd use in any other RTA
It's pretty big

Fitting the wick

Twist up one end and fit it through. it's going to be tight.. much tighter than any wick aught to be, but trust me here..
Bunny ears up!

once you have the ears up, slide the chimney down over it and LOOSELY put it on. I say loosely because I've found that if you snug this part on, it's super hard to get back off again. also, you can slightly back off the chimney and it seems to allow a little more wiggle room as far as juice wicking goes.
Snip the wicks about 2mm above the top of the chimney

fluff the wick ends out a bit..

and then stuff them down

You want to be sure that you're pushing the ends down first. Once you get them all tucked down, make sure to lightly press it back away from the juice holes (you can kinda see one open on the top there.
Juice it up

make sure that the juice channels stay open once the cotton swells
check your power

test fire!



I hit this about 10 times in a row(2-5 second pulls) and didn't get a dry hit at all.
source: http://www.reddit.com/r/electronic_...ee_a_lot_of_people_having_issues_wicking_the/
I see a lot of people having issues wicking the RBA in the Subtank Mini. Here's how I do it and I can hit it at 30w all day long with no dry hits.
By D3adkl0wn · 1 day ago · 16 images · 7,521 views · stats
Wicking the Subtank Mini!

Box Shot
This is the wicking material I use $11 at Shoppers Drugmart

It's a sandwiched sheet of goodness

This is your coil, if you didn't know that already, turn back now

Cut your wick

I cut this so that it is about a mm or so wider than the inner diameter of the coil. MUCH larger than any other wick I'd use in any other RTA
It's pretty big

Fitting the wick

Twist up one end and fit it through. it's going to be tight.. much tighter than any wick aught to be, but trust me here..
Bunny ears up!

once you have the ears up, slide the chimney down over it and LOOSELY put it on. I say loosely because I've found that if you snug this part on, it's super hard to get back off again. also, you can slightly back off the chimney and it seems to allow a little more wiggle room as far as juice wicking goes.
Snip the wicks about 2mm above the top of the chimney

fluff the wick ends out a bit..

and then stuff them down

You want to be sure that you're pushing the ends down first. Once you get them all tucked down, make sure to lightly press it back away from the juice holes (you can kinda see one open on the top there.
Juice it up

make sure that the juice channels stay open once the cotton swells
check your power

test fire!



I hit this about 10 times in a row(2-5 second pulls) and didn't get a dry hit at all.
source: http://www.reddit.com/r/electronic_...ee_a_lot_of_people_having_issues_wicking_the/