Worst buys of 2017!!!


Elite Vaper
Greenstone Drive, Lethabong, South Africa
Right we all love to hear about the Best Buy’s of the year where the MVPs ate standing proud and we likely to see many squonkers and BBs up there. Without bashing any brands or vendors let’s hear some of your worst buys of the year and reasons why!

Off hand these r a couple of mine:
1) Number one easily was a predator 3D printed mech Squonker that I think everyone knew was jus rubbish.
2) I can’t remember when but my therion 166 and bf I was upset with the door had kak magnets and moved a lot.
3) An sva dna squonker clone that started out great and quickly kinda fell apart brothered me a lot.
4) the entheon turned out a slight mess with a long ongoing group buy and didn’t quite knock the hadaly off its feet.
5) the B.B. I enjoyed it a lot but to sick and change the coils was a pain in my a$$ and the hype died down fairly quick for me. The Sxk that is

@Stosta wat u got for us
The VT Inbox with a wonky door.
ENVII Fits - Me no likey
About 5 litres of juice... I have to stop buying juice hoping for another ADV.
Kylin RTA - OMG that leaking!
Every 3D Squonker
For me:

The Kylin which needs no explanation.

The TFV12 - expensive poor quality coils that always burnt out within a week.

Boxer V2 - 510 broke off after a week. Replacement doors didn't fit on the second mod.

Aside from that it's more poor tasting juices that have been the star of my worst buys. But that's subjective.
211W Hugo Vapor Boxer Rader, 510 assembly came off within hours of receiving the mod :|
PHARAOH RDTA : Overrated and leaked too much.
AELOUS Clone RDA : Clone says enough, leaked and spitting issues, wasnt well manufactured.Just didnt feel right.
I-Just 2's : Thought these would come in handy as back-ups but when you hooked on the drip life these are a joke.
A-lot of Local Juices but lets not mention any as there are a few guys that are REALLY giving the International Juice Co's a run for there money with some INSANE Recipes and clean
The VT Inbox with a wonky door.
ENVII Fits - Me no likey
About 5 litres of juice... I have to stop buying juice hoping for another ADV.
Kylin RTA - OMG that leaking!
Every 3D Squonker

I would have suggested bringing the juice to the meet, and sell it. But you are not driving up so idea out the door, dont want to waste your lugage space with useless juice if their was the possibility of extreme beautifull mods.
The gear i got this year was some of the best on the market and thus only have 1 product i regret buying this year.
The merlin mini rda top cap kit - dripping into an rta base and wanting it to work like a designed rda is not posible at all.
I would have suggested bringing the juice to the meet, and sell it. But you are not driving up so idea out the door, dont want to waste your lugage space with useless juice if their was the possibility of extreme beautifull mods.

I have given most of it away... trying to empty the Vape Cave... most of the juice has gone to good homes... I just need to cull the hardware some more.
frankenskull clone
hadaly - mostly because im not a single coil and tight draw guy
For me it was the Limitless Classic. No matter what build I put in it, the flavour was never more than just average...
From a mod perspective, the Smoant Battlestar - while its well built and works nicely in wattage mode, temp mode has quite a delay before firing and the battery life is really poor...
Let's see...

  • The Kylin - Leaky sonofagun
  • Cthulhu MTL - Another leaky little bugger... How can they release a tank that leaks and why did I have to buy two of them?!
  • Smok Guardian kit - It works but it's just so impractical (as I knew it would be but still had to have one)
  • The SXK BB - Irritating to build on, and doesn't give me what I'm looking for in a vape. In fairness I wouldn't say it was bad enough for a "Worst Buy", but it was definitely disappointing!
  • A ton of juices - Promised myself I would stop buying juices that I haven't tested, yet I still do it!
Smok Alien - Piece of garbage low production quality control trash. It belongs in the trash

Obs engine - would rather use it as a paper weight.

Streaky cotton - Would not recommend this to anyone. Garbage

Voopoo drag (black paint) - i find better build quality on a piece of lego's.

Vape shops selling juices that is out of BB date

Demon Killer pre built coils.
I cant express how utter garbage these mass production Chinese sh*t is. I would rather use hair from the floor of a barber shop as cotton than using these coils again.

Tfv8 coils, half of them dont work (bad batches)
Did I read that correct:confused:

Why would you say that? It's very interesting to see a skyline on the list of bad buys.

Took half the year to get here. Had issues with the juice flow control, shredded the skin on my finger trying to loosen the juice flow control. Damaged the juice flow control. Spent more money to replace the juice flow control...

I guess it was just one of those unlucky experiences. The Coppervape Skyline is on my list of best buys of 2017 though..

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Eina, Wow that is a serious mark to be left by an rta. But very interesting on the clone being a top buy. Just shows us all the vaping journey is a very personal experience.
The Geekvape Mech "Pro" Kit

What a POS...

For the first week it was generally a pleasant experience, which quickly devolved into a pain, at one point leaving me without vaping for almost a full day.

So the fire button gets so hot you cant fire the mod, you then have to spend 30-40 minutes disassembling the mod to get to the fire button. This leaves you with 2 hours of decent vaping again, until you have to strip it again.

Once you get used to this(that's one quarter of the day in maintenance if you vape a full day), the slides on the button starts wearing out.
This means you can press the button as much as you like, it never makes a square connection with the contacts which leads to it either not firing at all, or frying your finger because the button gets 300 degrees Celsius. This means you have to strip it again

I really hope someone from Geekvape reads this, please recall and destroy all the Mech "Pro" Kits that have ever been manufactured
For me I think it was the Govad RDA, really disappointing, pain to drip as you have to take the top cap off otherwise the juice goes directly into the airflow. All other purchases were well worth it.