M Maxxis Dedicated Vaper LV 12 Joined 19/8/15 Posts 684 Awards 18 Age 44 Location Johannesburg 26/10/15 #1 Is this the tank of all tanks?
Rob Fisher ECIGSSA Admin Staff member Administrator VIP FINES MASTER LV 69 Joined 3/2/14 Posts 39,883 Awards 52 Age 69 Location Winston Park, Durbs 26/10/15 #2 Well so far so good with the Bellus! And I too got juice all over the place by trying to fill it with the airflow open.
Well so far so good with the Bellus! And I too got juice all over the place by trying to fill it with the airflow open.
C Choked Blood Flow Fiend Vaping Addict LV 45 Joined 27/10/14 Posts 2,431 Awards 27 Location JHB 26/10/15 #3 Nice review man. Pls review the Cthultu v2 if you can it has even more airflow than the bellus.
M Maxxis Dedicated Vaper LV 12 Joined 19/8/15 Posts 684 Awards 18 Age 44 Location Johannesburg 26/10/15 #4 Thanks. If somebody would be so kind as to get a Cthulhu V2 to me ill happily review it
Imthiaz Khan Flavor chaser LV 23 Joined 30/5/14 Posts 1,236 Awards 20 Location Johannesburg South 26/10/15 #5 Great review @Maxxis