As soon as the room stops spinning I'm gonna continue what can only be labled as: a strongly worded post @$@=÷×$!÷@×=@÷Oh I dare you to do it![]()
Okay, should be able to type faster than the what I did when I started. (That was done at 1:50am btw)
Once again I managed to swallow down about 3ml of warm juice. This time a nice custard recipe that I can't even look at right now!! And with that delicious custard came the @/#_! $% cotton taste prime has for the 1st few mls during the breaking period...which in hindsight I shouldve been prepared for as there's no way to wick this way and burn through some liquid because it gets fully assembled with a portion of the cotton still DRY!
After everything said and done and I am now actually able to Vape on it, my original question stands: But why?
There's no difference in flavour, no extra airflow...I suppose the 15mm of cotton saved should count for something.
Sorry @RainstormZA but this compared to the way @Moerse Rooikat showed us makes no sense. It takes twice as long, and after you screw back the chimney there's no way to tell if the cotton meant to be on top of the wells actually made it's way.
Then again, maybe I did it wrong.
If I was a country I would take this as an act of war against me!
On a positive note, thanks for making my Sunday morning much more eventful, lol. Hehehe, can't believe an hour has passed since I started this.