Zna30 Has Been Cloned


Vaping Addict
just recieved the mail now and was shocked lol

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk HD
that was quick
that was in april I got a mail now . they taking pre orders 1st shipment due in 25days.

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk HD
I have requested the manufacturer send through some more high deffinition images... as yet they have not come through. What i have i recieved this morning i put together and got the sizes all ligned up. The whole morning i have been trying to get the 'gap' of zen issue addressed, if it is different or features floating pin.... will wait and see. But from the front view it does not look like it is adjustable - so you might still damage the thread.

dont even know what metal it is. the tube is S.Steel, but the rest?the trigger looks fine, but the two smaller ones are a bit off....

According to that spec sheet battery size is wrong. It takes 18490 unless they extended the chip housing?

Sent from my SM-G900H using Tapatalk
So it's even beter than the original?

Yeah will have to see about that. But then it's not really a proper clone as it will be substantially bigger.

ZNA is pretty hefty mod. As with other clones, I'm expecting the clone to be a bit of a shell, depending on what they put into it.

If the chinese start selling them at wholesale price of $100 you can probably expect a half decent copy and with that a probable retail price of around R1700/2000. Might as well save another month and get the real thing... Assuming you can find it.

Regardless, will be interesting to see what they come up with. Zen must be pissed.

Sent from my SM-G900H using Tapatalk
Release date is on the 15th of July.

Preorders are open at the moment, they are very secretive and do not want to release allot of press ... in fear of being coppied.!?WTF?!

i will probably get one in for review.
Who's releasing them. I have to see this.

Sent from my SM-G900H using Tapatalk
Sample price is
revn is gojng to make video of how he is going to brake ir lokl

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk HD
yip that's them been on the phone with them since five this morning. As i stated they are super secrative (probably crapping themselves after the Hana Clone debacle), is the original ZNA worth it?

I just want to vape the new stuff, post a blog or two and that's that.

Issues that they did answer is -
  1. adjustable centrepin allows for easy flush mating to any atomizer
  2. adjustable 510 cap
Release date is mid July.
i wonder when FT will have it :-D

(runs and hides)
Well they're definitely going to pick up heat from Zen, that I can guarantee.

To answer your question about the original. It's very worth it. But you have to know you can get the same vape from any other mod that regulates power. So why a ZNA? Touching this thing is the only why you will understand. It has a feel of value and an air of sophistication.

Once you splash on something like this it also brings about a sense of pride in ownership. These things are important to me and is why I hate clones. A clone does not allow me to love it. It's a prostitute. You can't clone quality. Looks the same, but I can immediately tell a clone from an original based on touch only.

Anyway, not to get into the clone or not to clone thing but save up man. Put some money away and sleep on the PC. Get the real thing.

Anyway, if you're a dripper, I think the 26650s are the way to go. 30W is pretty decent on a dual coil, probably enough, but once you hit 60W and up theres no turning back. And for that you need 4000 mah batteries. So yes, ZNA allows for drippers, nice party trick but it's not practicle.

As for tanks, specially Kayfuns, it's awesome. I'm waiting for some mods to come in for the fun then I will post a complete look, but allowing me to vape a regulated tank while being completely smitten with what is in my hand is awesome.

Sent from my SM-G900H using Tapatalk
So, if Revn is correct, then i have 3 prostitutes at home, and my wife doesn't even know :O