Attention Coil Bulders


Old Noob
KZN Midlands
For all you expert coil builders out there, have any of you considered selling your ready made coils to those of us who are too lazy/challenged to build our own coils? This will open up a whole new world to those of us who stick with commercial tanks because we can't or won't make our own coils.
on-top of that, the RBAs flavor is off the hook @Matuka - i think much better than commercial tank kits. i now use my Nautilus as a back-up :)
For all you expert coil builders out there, have any of you considered selling your ready made coils to those of us who are too lazy/challenged to build our own coils? This will open up a whole new world to those of us who stick with commercial tanks because we can't or won't make our own coils.

If you just take labour time as a cost item, I promise you everybody is going to complain about the price.
hi @Matuka

i hear you

have you tried building a coil yourself already?
For all you expert coil builders out there, have any of you considered selling your ready made coils to those of us who are too lazy/challenged to build our own coils? This will open up a whole new world to those of us who stick with commercial tanks because we can't or won't make our own coils.
@Matuka where are you situated, I am sure that we can make a plan and get you started up in the coil building profession, it is very simple trust me you will be building coils in no time at all
Building the coil is (at least for me) the easy part.

Getting it installed in the various RBA/RDAs can be tough (depending on what you've got), and you would have to do that yourself with pre-built coils - unless you ship your RBA/RDA to the coil builder, but that would be silly :)

And Kanthal is so cheap, you really can afford to experiment - there are really fantastic tutorials on youtube for making coils.
Actually have an order for 320m of different gauges of kanthal and nichrome waiting in the wings.

if people paid, i'd make coils for sale, even fancy twisted, parallel, etc...

I could match those vapordna prices, only thing i'm not sure on is shipping to you guys down there.
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If I remember correctly @Derick from Skyblue was going to build coils for resale - not sure if it ever materialized tho?
@free3dom I hear you, but aren't there RBA's on the market that you just need to loosen a couple of screws to install the coil?

I actually really enjoy the building of a coil. Its half of the fun for me. Not only is it super satisfying to have an incredible vape from a coil you've built but the process is relaxing for me.

Experimenting with builds, spacing of coils, and learning what kind of resistance to expect from one you've wrapped is a great experience.

When my reo was ordered i was so nervous at first about coil building. I tried my hand and it a few times and felt like i would suck at it. Over time, with practice, you improve and learn new little techniques to wrap.
If I remember correctly @Derick from Skyblue was going to build coils for resale - not sure if it ever materialized tho?
I tried, but I could never figure out an efficient method - it would take me hours to just make 50 - and I wanted to sell packs of 10. So scrapped the idea. I have found other companies that make them though, so at some point I will just buy tons of them and resell on the site :)
@free3dom I hear you, but aren't there RBA's on the market that you just need to loosen a couple of screws to install the coil?

Not always quite so easy... some of them you HAVE TO wrap it around the screw. Especially, for example, the Veritas can be a complete asshole to screw down.
@LandyMan once you've made your first working coil, you will laugh at yourself for thinking it was a daunting task.
In my case, it was the chicken or the egg. Do I buy a RBA and then get into coil building (Maybe), or try to build coils for my commercial tanks first. I tried the latter and it resulted in a huge increase in my consumption of Valium and wine!!! You need to realise that I battle to change a light bulb...
In my case, it was the chicken or the egg. Do I buy a RBA and then get into coil building (Maybe), or try to build coils for my commercial tanks first. I tried the latter and it resulted in a huge increase in my consumption of Valium and wine!!! You need to realise that I battle to change a light bulb...

I skipped rebuilding tanks and went straight to RDA. I haven't rebuilt a commercial coil, but to me it seems more complicated and fiddly than rebuilding for an RDA.
@free3dom I hear you, but aren't there RBA's on the market that you just need to loosen a couple of screws to install the coil?

It's not exactly difficult, but I do find it harder than actually building the coil - and then you have to wick it, which is another area where you can absolutely mess up a perfectly fine coil :)

All-in-all, building the coil is not that hard and it does get easier (quite quickly) each time you do it.

I started with rebuilding commercial coils and installing those (into the coil base) is a real pain. Installing on an RBA/RDA is 10 times easier (depending on the model) but even then there are possible problems.

The problem is that there is no plug-and-play RBA/RDAs - they all require at least a little experimentation.

All-in-all I enjoy it very much - it is a great feeling to make your first coil and watch it glow when you fire it up for the first time :rock:
I'd recommend a Paradigm Magma clone as a first RDA, i've found it a pleasure to build in. Plume veil is good too.
For all you expert coil builders out there, have any of you considered selling your ready made coils to those of us who are too lazy/challenged to build our own coils? This will open up a whole new world to those of us who stick with commercial tanks because we can't or won't make our own coils.
Coil building is fun if u have time. But I hear u. Pre made coils would be good.
I'll sell u a couple:)
the customization in building your own coils is what appeals to me.