What mod to replace evic vtc mini


New Vaper
Cape town
Hi everyone
(First i apologise for bad english not my first language)

My evic vtc mini got stolen so i have to get another mod. What would you guyz recommended. I loved the size, display and all the functionalities of the vtc.
I have a heavy rx200 for to use at home.
Is there a better mod than evic vtc mini in the similar size and portability.(or should i get just another vtc mini again)
Temperature control with stainless steel and usb charging is a must for me. Dont has to be powerful than 75 watts.
Thanks in advance.
Take a look at the Pico. Display not as good but it is tiny. The option would be the Presa 100W. Can take 26650 and 18650 batts.
From my experience the VTC Mini is a great single battery device, and gives majority of the features, that the multiple battery mods give.

Out of all my mods, the VTC mini, gets used the most. My carry mods at present are VTC mini and Minikin
Def another VTC Mini.. I was going to suggest the Minikin but it doesn't charge via USB.. the great thing about the manikin though is that if you go to work with fully charged batteries (takes 2 ) you wont need to charge at all during the day.. Mine lasts a good few days !!. I still wouldn't be without My Evic Mini's though!!! :D

i really love the vtc mini - my favorite device. Rather get another one man - plus the new update made it even cooler with the custom logo you can load on it.
Buddy. I also agree.

Just do it...Get another VTC Mini.

If mine gets lost or broken, I wont even think about it. I love the RX200, but yes, HEAVY and BIG, and also, over USB takes forever to fully charge.

@Clouder, @argief, what is your take on this?

The Kangertech Subbox is also a very decent dev, but doesn't have half the functionality.
I am happy with my VTC Mini too - for portability and the screen
That screen!
I am happy with my VTC Mini too - for portability and the screen
That screen!

I was deciding between presa 100w and vtc mini and pull the trigger on the vtc. You are right, cant go wrong with this little beast. Great functions with compact size. Thanks for the all the help everyone.
Cuboid is also an option, at only R 130 bucks more (VapeClub) than the VTC Mini (excluding batteries), it is going give you double the puff count between charges/ batteries changes. Has a very similar GUI to VTC mini. It is quite heavy for some reason. Almost the same weight as a RX200, even though it has one less battery.
Cuboid is also an option, at only R 130 bucks more (VapeClub) than the VTC Mini (excluding batteries), it is going give you double the puff count between charges/ batteries changes. Has a very similar GUI to VTC mini. It is quite heavy for some reason. Almost the same weight as a RX200, even though it has one less battery.
plus you can always Jerry rig a shotgun outta the cuboid, you know if zombies attack and you only have shells and no gun.

Out in a cabin or something :).
Cuboid is also an option, at only R 130 bucks more (VapeClub) than the VTC Mini (excluding batteries), it is going give you double the puff count between charges/ batteries changes. Has a very similar GUI to VTC mini. It is quite heavy for some reason. Almost the same weight as a RX200, even though it has one less battery.
Not really double the puff count bro. mAh do not stack in series.....volts yes mAh no
Not really double the puff count bro. mAh do not stack in series.....volts yes mAh no
I don't think the Cuboid is a series mod. Sure it is parallel. We did a test between VTC mini and Cuboid, and the puff time was approximately double between the 2 devices.
I can confirm I get almost double the juice out of the Cuboid and my Sig100 (bpth dual batt mods) versus the single batt VTC Mini

And this is with similar setups on top at similar (lowish) powers

Dont ask me whats going on inside but thats what I have found from using it.
Saw this at a B&M today - looks awesome and might well be a contender, even against the mighty VTC Mini... Cuboid Mini 80W (pictured here on the right, with matching tank which is part of the kit).
Gonna resurrect the thread here to avoid starting a new one...

My situation is different, looking to get a mod with more battery capacity (life) instead of just slapping a Turd in my VTC mini.
Any suggestions? Obviously, I want to maintain similar functionality as the VTC mini but not drastically increase its weight and size.

fire away....excuse the pun:GODZILLA:
Gonna resurrect the thread here to avoid starting a new one...

My situation is different, looking to get a mod with more battery capacity (life) instead of just slapping a Turd in my VTC mini.
Any suggestions? Obviously, I want to maintain similar functionality as the VTC mini but not drastically increase its weight and size.

fire away....excuse the pun:GODZILLA:

is temp control an important feature to you? or are you only looking to use it in regular power mode?