Vaping in Different Countries


Vapin' up a Storm
The purpose of this thread is to have information about vaping in different countries in one thread, as questions about vaping in different countries are often asked. My idea is that links to news articles could be posted here, as well as members' personal experiences. It would be helpful if the date of the news article or personal experience could be stated, as laws change all the time.
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TURKEY - 7 Nov. 2017

"Turkey will maintain its ban on the sale and manufacture of vaping and heat-not-burn products..."

TURKEY - 29 Sept. 2017

"Turkish police cited 800 vapers for indoor smoking after conducting a raid at a “vape party” in Istanbul. They also detained three of the party organizers...Apparently, all 800 guests received “administrative fines,” which don’t involve a criminal charge...

Vaping isn’t illegal in Turkey, but the country does include vaping in indoor smoking bans. Importation and advertising are prohibited, but vapers haven't reported problems taking devices and e-liquid into the country for personal use." [my highlights]
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TAIWAN - 6 Nov. 2017

"The new law will ban the manufacture, sale, importation, and advertising of vapor products...Vapor products are already theoretically banned — by order of the Ministry of Health. But the new law codifies the ban and provides defined punishments for infractions. The penalty for manufacturing or importing vapes will be set at NT$50,000 to NT$250,000 ($1650-8250 in U.S. dollars). Sales and use in non-smoking areas would be punished by a fine of NT$10,000 to NT$50,000 ($330-1650 USD)..."
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DUBAI - 19 Oct. 2017

"Malls have been “encouraged” to instruct security staff to prevent smoking and vaping outside near entrances... Vaping is technically illegal in the UAE, but enforcement is apparently spotty. Still, vendors have been subject to product seizures and fines as high as $136,000 (Dh 500,000). Travelers to the UAE can have their vaping devices and e-liquid seized at airports too."
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Great thread @Hooked
I think to add a bit of value, instead of just posting a link to an article, why not post a 1 sentence summary or just a small blurb to say what is happening there. Helps people to scan and see quickly. Just a suggestion.
Great thread @Hooked
I think to add a bit of value, instead of just posting a link to an article, why not post a 1 sentence summary or just a small blurb to say what is happening there. Helps people to scan and see quickly. Just a suggestion.

@Silver Done! Existing posts have been edited.

"Park Ridge passed a law in July providing for punishment of minors in possession of an “electronic smoking device ... vapers under 18 can be ticketed and made to appear at a hearing. There they can receive a $500 fine — or they can be sentenced to the ultimate punishment: mandatory attendance at a two-hour “diversion and education program” with their parents."
USA - Undated
Here's a link to vaping bans in different areas of the USA.

USA - NEW YORK - Oct. 2017

"Ex-smokers in New York state can no longer legally vape in workplaces, bars, or restaurants... In addition to banning vapes in the workplace and other public gathering places, the law prohibits vaping on public transport, in college buildings, and in any outdoor location where smoking is not allowed."
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CYPRUS - 28 Sept. 2017

"Cyprus has passed a tax on vaping e-liquid of €0.12 per mL"

"Laws on e-cigarettes and vaping in Cyprus are not especially strict. As a member of the EU, the country enforces its version of the Tobacco Products Directive (TPD). The usual TPD rules apply, including the limit on e-liquid nicotine strength of 20 mg/mL, and the size limits on bottles (10 mL) and tanks (2 mL)." [my highlight]
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THAILAND - 15 Aug. 2017

In November 2014, Thailand approved legislation outlawing the import of e-cigarettes into the country. This has since been expanded to the export as well as sale of e-smoking devices and equipment. Although it is common to see people vaping in Thailand offenders are technically breaking the law as possession is illegal.

"You can’t bring vaporisers (like e-cigarettes and e-baraku) or refills into Thailand. These items are likely to be confiscated and you could be fined or sent to prison for up to 10 years if convicted. The sale or supply of e-cigarettes and similar devices is also banned and you could face a heavy fine or up to 5 years imprisonment if found guilty. Several British Nationals have been arrested for possession of vaporisers and e-cigarettes."

@Rob Fisher said, "My mate just returned from a holiday in Thailand and there is no question that Thailand is not for vapers... there are big signs in the airport saying electronic cigarettes are not allowed. So Thailand is off my list of places to visit again. They can kiss my ass! Smokers everywhere and ecigs not allowed! How bloody moronic! :-@"

Thanks Rob and I'm sure we all share your sentiments!

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Epic thread, thanks @Hooked it's very interesting to see what other countries have to put up with. Also good to see some are seeing the light. Here in nam the vape is still looked at like voodoo magic.

@The_Ice Interesting to hear about Nam's perspective lol. I lived in Windhoek many years ago and loved it there, but I was kicked out of the country when they became independent. How have you managed to stay?

"The baseline is that because nicotine is classed as a Schedule 7 poison in Australia, it’s illegal to sell it except as a licensed medication. That means disposable e-cigarettes or cartridges that contain nicotine are not for sale right across the country, but nicotine free ones and refillable devices can be sold unless state law band them.

It’s also not illegal to import nicotine liquids for personal use, again unless state law says otherwise, so that’s what most Australian vapers do.

Some states have much stricter laws than others, sometimes adding up to something like a total ban." For the laws in different states, go to the above link and scroll down to the bottom.
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BALI - JULY 2017

Anecdotal from a Bali forum:

"yes , you can bring your device to bali. and also i recomend you go to Cstyle Indonesia. i have been there. i got lot of knowledge about vaping. best service i got"

"its no problem with the custom in bali. but make sure you put Separate of your battrey , atomizer. in bali there is a lot of vape shop. you can find your all need. if you stay in kuta, ubud, denpasar iwould like to recomend you my favorite vape shop "Cstyle Vape Bar indonesia" ."

I visited a few cities in Egypt over December. While I have read articles indicating that Vaping is banned over there, it wasn’t the case. I had no issues vaping anywhere. In fact, everywhere in Egypt people are smoking cigs, in restaurants, airports, malls etc. So naturally I vaped in the same places, was a pleasure :giggle:

I visited a few cities in Egypt over December. While I have read articles indicating that Vaping is banned over there, it wasn’t the case. I had no issues vaping anywhere. In fact, everywhere in Egypt people are smoking cigs, in restaurants, airports, malls etc. So naturally I vaped in the same places, was a pleasure :giggle:

Thanks so much for posting, @Faheem!

I visited a few cities in Egypt over December. While I have read articles indicating that Vaping is banned over there, it wasn’t the case. I had no issues vaping anywhere. In fact, everywhere in Egypt people are smoking cigs, in restaurants, airports, malls etc. So naturally I vaped in the same places, was a pleasure :giggle:
Great, i am going to Egypt next month. I see they even have a few vape stores. Not sure if its online or proper stores.
Was referred to this thread by @Hooked as i live in Abu Dhabi, UAE and, well, Vape!

So, this is what the news says... So, beware at airports and in and around the UAE.

Although, from personal experience, I and many friends and family coming to and residing in the UAE have brought in vape supplies successfully. We also vape openly (in smoking areas) with no issues at all. Many people vape, even at the office park i work in where Out of 10 cigarette smokers, theres atleast 3 vapers.

From a selling point of view, i wouldnt open a store here selling vape goodies, i think the law comes in pretty hard when you openly sell "illegal" items.