Cancelled - Sandton VapeMeet - 3rd November!


Vaping Addict
Hello fellow vapers.

Me and a couple of firends will be having a vape meet at the Sandton News cafe on the 3 November 2018 from 9am to when ever we want time wise. Anybody here is welcome to join in as it will be just a general kuier and vape to maybe meet new faces.

News Cafe
Shop 5, 24 Central Centre, Cnr Gwen Lane & Fredman Drive, Sanddown, Sandown, Sandton, 2196
011 883 4370

Anybody is welcome to tag and correspond here if you want to join us on the day.
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Will try to show face.
Moving to my new place on Thursday and all depends on unpacking
IMHO you should keep trying to get JHB meetings going @antonherbst .

The Cape Town meets have proved to be a great success. People come to the meetings from literally all over Cape Town and even from as far as Langebaan and Koringberg.

I wish you great success in this endeavour.
IMHO you should keep trying to get JHB meetings going @antonherbst .

The Cape Town meets have proved to be a great success. People come to the meetings from literally all over Cape Town and even from as far as Langebaan and Koringberg.

I wish you great success in this endeavour.
Thanks for the well wishes and i am going to do it and it will pick up with interest and participation. It a fun and relaxed way to meet the forum peeps.
Maybe if you change your thread title more peeps will click on it. Most South Africans will read that date as 11th March... Your are using an American date convention.
Thanks for the well wishes and i am going to do it and it will pick up with interest and participation. It a fun and relaxed way to meet the forum peeps.
Thanks for all the effort in arranging the meets @antonherbst , it is greatly appreciated. :campeon:

It’s still the best way to meet new vapers and catch up with older friends. I think the new year will see a uptick in participation and attendance, maybe we must relook the venues and get a green spot for the summer ones, those braai fires of the Cape Town meets really look good on the screen! No wonder people travel from all over @Puff the Magic Dragon .
Come jobergers. Lets show the capetonians we can also have a bape meet with a big attendance.

6 days left to our meet.

PS. Who ever changed the name. Thank you.
will be there in spirit from Zambia, just bad timing :(