New daily carry help


Experienced Vaper
Hello :hi:

I need some assistance please. Driving myself crazy. I'm wanting a new daily carry, that isn't huge.
I have read reviews, read up on various setups, watched videos. I went into a very deep rabbit hole of research and have now totally confused myself.
So I figured there was no better place to ask for help than right here. I have bounced from one thread to the next reading up on options.

I am currently using a Voopoo Drag with a Zeus dual.
I've got small hands, so the Drag's design and corners just don't work for me. Surprisingly I still have about 90% of the paint in it still, haha. I've just stuck it out now for about 2 years. I swop the Drag out every now and then and use my Asmodus Minikin, which has become problematic recently. From firing button issues (fixed that), wattages jumping up and down, and miss fires. It seems to have entered retirement now. I loved the hand feel of the Asmodus.

I was originally very drawn to the Vaporesso Gen mod but my concern is I'm again going to battle with the size.
I then looked at the new swag 2, but the 25mm tank capacity has thrown me off.
I am currently using and loving my Zeus dual, which is a 26mm. I contemplated getting the Zeus x, but have read very mixed reviews on it. I've looked at the aegis range but they seem to have a bad battery life. But so many rave about them too, so again very mixed reviews.

In the past I have used the Dotmod Petri, had some joy with it. I then moved onto the Wake Rta by Wake mod and that was short lived. Possible options I saw was the Blotto RTA or the Hellvape Destiny RTA, but I'm anxious about battling with a new atty with leaking and so on , especially with vape juice being scarce at the moment. As I know it can sometimes take some time to find the sweet spot on an rta.

I often still use an RDA in the evenings and on weekends. Even more so in winter with some dessert flavours. Will be looking into a new rda at a later stage. As I currently rotate a Recoil and Wasp nano.

I am not into MTL, but my experience on that is minimal and based off of smaller pod systems.

I am just totally stumped and possibly over thinking this too much. Hence my essay :facepalm: Sorry about that. Thought I'd give some insight to where my noisy brain is at.
If anyone could please point me in some kind of direction, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
Have a great day :aplastao:
If you don't mind me jumping in.

I also like the Blotto for both flavour and juice capacity using the bubble glass. Initially I struggled with it and always had some leakage and seeping.

The two wicking methods I have found to work are the one that Jai Haze uses:

What he does is takes the tail and turns it back on it self, see 10 mins into this vid


On a reddit thread I saw a guy who was also struggling. What he ended up doing was taking the cotton and really thinning it out and leaving the tails long. After pushing the cotton down he then fanned the tails along the bottom of the tank. I have done this with a good degree of success with both single and dual coils. Both methods work well for me.

What I have also found is if I make a single coil, either a twisted or clapton that is below .25 I get a fair degree of heat and this always leads to condensation coming from the bottom airflow. My last build I upped the ohms on a dual build. Used spaced single wire Cotton bacon comp wire and came out at .45. Now this is only at 25W and I still get very quick heat up and cool down. This is wicking like a charm, no leaking and very little condensation. Flavour is as good as ever. Chunky complex coils are always appealing but that does not mean they work any better. They can come with their own problems. I squeezed 2 tri core claptons in there once. Was not a good result. The draw was very restricted, flavour was OK but I have had better. At below 2 Ohms for the pair it chewed the batteries and they still were cooking after the power was turned off.

For me personally it is not just the wicking, coil choice plays a big part and the simple coils are always winners for me. Twisted being my favourite. I use a Cotton bacon comp wire 26 gauge and wrap at 2.5 ID for the Blotto. In saying that they latest build as described is working just as well.

PS, I also have a Dvarw SXK clone. Great atty but the amount of condensation that comes from that airflow leaves me wiping my mod on a regular basis.
Awesome, thanks @Stranger. I currently have Wotofo dual core fused claptons (26x2+36) in the Blotto, coming in at .19ohms for the set. Cant complain about the flavour and I've had good success with this wire. I'll give the Cotton Bacon comp wire a go as well, just need to get my hands on some. As for the wicking, I'll give both methods a try to see how they compare to my current wicking method (which is basically using Cotton Bacon V2, fluffing the tails and cutting them to where thy just extend past the threading for the chimney, but not reaching the bottom of the deck).
Thanks again brother, much appreciated.
If you don't mind me jumping in.

I also like the Blotto for both flavour and juice capacity using the bubble glass. Initially I struggled with it and always had some leakage and seeping.

The two wicking methods I have found to work are the one that Jai Haze uses:

What he does is takes the tail and turns it back on it self, see 10 mins into this vid


On a reddit thread I saw a guy who was also struggling. What he ended up doing was taking the cotton and really thinning it out and leaving the tails long. After pushing the cotton down he then fanned the tails along the bottom of the tank. I have done this with a good degree of success with both single and dual coils. Both methods work well for me.

What I have also found is if I make a single coil, either a twisted or clapton that is below .25 I get a fair degree of heat and this always leads to condensation coming from the bottom airflow. My last build I upped the ohms on a dual build. Used spaced single wire Cotton bacon comp wire and came out at .45. Now this is only at 25W and I still get very quick heat up and cool down. This is wicking like a charm, no leaking and very little condensation. Flavour is as good as ever. Chunky complex coils are always appealing but that does not mean they work any better. They can come with their own problems. I squeezed 2 tri core claptons in there once. Was not a good result. The draw was very restricted, flavour was OK but I have had better. At below 2 Ohms for the pair it chewed the batteries and they still were cooking after the power was turned off.

For me personally it is not just the wicking, coil choice plays a big part and the simple coils are always winners for me. Twisted being my favourite. I use a Cotton bacon comp wire 26 gauge and wrap at 2.5 ID for the Blotto. In saying that they latest build as described is working just as well.

PS, I also have a Dvarw SXK clone. Great atty but the amount of condensation that comes from that airflow leaves me wiping my mod on a regular basis.

Plus one for the longer tails.
The juice well is DEEP on the Blotto, so I thin my tails out a lot (dual 3mm coils) to make sure the wick ports are completely covered without being tight. Then I run the tails about 2/3 down below the wick ports. No leaks, no dry hits, raging flavour.
@BeaLea in terms of your trio of choices (Blotto, Destiny, Reload) I own two and briefly owned the Destiny.
While many rave about the Destiny, it simply didn't work for me, so my very subjective take on it is that I found it too airy and hollow on the draw and the flavour was better on both the Blotto and Reload. Again, this was just my experience and there are MANY who love the Destiny.

Blotto VS Reload?
Blotto has a much smoother airflow.
Reload is top AF, so no chance of leaking, although my Blotto hasn't leaked apart from once (where I screwed up).
Blotto outshines the Reload on anything fruity/light, with the Reload being a bit better on the heavier dessert/custard/cream spectrum.
The Blotto's deck accommodates 3mm duals more easily, with the Reload you notice the 3mm's in terms of the airflow and I think it is designed for 2.5mm's.
They are both fantastic RTA's, you just need to match one to your style of Vaping and of course, decide if the Reload is worth double the price of the Blotto.
@LeislB @NOOB @Stranger @CJB85 thank you so much for these replies.
After reading your replies and seeing more on the forum iam definitely leaning towards the Blotto now. Will jump into your replies properly tomorrow when I have a bit more free time :) I just wanted to thank you all for taking the time to reply, I truly appreciate all your input. You all are so amazing!
@BeaLea it's only a pleasure. To me personally, that's what this forum is all about. Sharing our experiences and the tips and tricks as pointed out by @Stranger will inevitably help us all along in achieving the perfect vape. I'm not only referring to the mods and RTA's/RDA's that we choose to buy for various reasons, I'm also referring to the quality of vape (vapour production, popping flavour, etc) from our devices.

Most of us watch Youtube reviews on various mods, RTA's and RDA's, but we'll never know if the reviewer's opinion was influenced in some way or form. As a result, I mostly revert to the forum and ask fellow members for their views on a specific product. I highly doubt that anyone on this, and many other forums, has anything to gain from providing inaccurate information when asked about the performance, the positives and negatives about devices.

In all honesty, that's exactly how I determined the splurge for my next device. I saw a mod that peaked my interest, a fellow member posted a picture of it on the forum a while ago and I asked him for his views on the product. Inevitably a few other members gave their inputs as well and none of them could say anything negative about the device, so my bank account will suffer the consequences in the near future. :risas3:

Please don't be afraid to ask fellow members for their views on products that you're interested in, or for advice once you've acquired it! ;-)
@LeislB @NOOB @Stranger @CJB85 thank you so much for these replies.
After reading your replies and seeing more on the forum iam definitely leaning towards the Blotto now. Will jump into your replies properly tomorrow when I have a bit more free time :) I just wanted to thank you all for taking the time to reply, I truly appreciate all your input. You all are so amazing!

Helping is an absolute pleasure, this forum is amazing and a wealth of information and people more than willing to guide and share experience.

For me a tank is only as good as the coils you put in it. The best flavour I've had in years is from Lazy Panda coils, he has a FB and Instagram post. I know taste is very subjective but these are a perfect match for me.
Helping is an absolute pleasure, this forum is amazing and a wealth of information and people more than willing to guide and share experience.

For me a tank is only as good as the coils you put in it. The best flavour I've had in years is from Lazy Panda coils, he has a FB and Instagram post. I know taste is very subjective but these are a perfect match for me.
Plus 2 to that hehehhe. Whatever it is I will put Demon Killer Alien Violence coils in it and be happy with the flavor :)
Hi @BeaLea

Sorry for "intruding" on your question as I realise it was addressed to @LeislB, but thought I would share my findings on the Blotto/Blotto mini.

I have both, the 26mm (full sized one, for a lack of better words) in black as well as the mini, in gunmetal.

I have the black one sitting on a my daily driver, the Rincoe Manto S. It's a fantastic RTA. I only just installed a dual coil 2.5mm inner diameter setup in it for the first time since I got back in July, prior to this, I was running a single 3.5mm inner diameter coil it. I am still very undecided about the differences/benefits of a single vs. dual coil setup in the the RTA. I've mainly used single coil RDA's until I got my hands on the Blotto, so a single coil was my go to setup as this is what I know best. Flavour is amazing I have absolutely ZERO negatives on this RTA. From time to time I experience a little "seepage" from the airflow, but this can be chalked up to both condensation as well as my inconsistent wicking :facepalm:. I'm pretty sure that the latter would be more accurate.:rofl:

I paired up the Rincoe Manto S with the 26mm Blotto as my daily driver/beater mod as it's a fairly inexpensive mod and easily replaced should I suffer from quick onset clumsiness.

As for the Blotto Mini, I have that sitting on my Odin DNA 250C which is mainly sitting on my desk at home. This is not because the Odin is a big mod in my opinion (I have bear claws for hands, so this is quite subjective), but purely because it would hurt the pocket more if I had to drop it. The Odin/Blotto Mini is in daily use as I am still mainly working from home. Interestingly enough the build deck on both the 26mm Blotto, as well as the Mini, are identical in proportions. They've mainly just shrunk down the outside of the Blotto Mini for a more compact design. I am still running a single coil setup in the Blotto Mini and as with the 26mm version, I have ZERO negatives.

Both of them are easy to wick, easy to build on, and have amazing flavour. PLUS, they look pretty awesome on any mod in my opinion!!!

Just my two cents worth.
@NOOB , agree 100 % with you having s/s , gunmetal and black Blotto's in circulation , it is my fav tank atm .