

Experienced Vaper
Hey guys and girls.

Just been thinking is 120W+ actually worth it?
To me, no. I own two devices that can do 60 and 70 watt respectively and a noisy cricket capable of 120w+ but will almost never use it at that..if you cloud chase like Oliver Barry then ya sure 120+ is still small fry. If you enjoy vaping more than the clouds you will almost never use it...
it all depends on what your building.

there are a few tanks that need that kinda power smok TFV4, the VCMT etc but 99% of the time your going to be using that kinda power for drippers.

big coil builds (claptons, aliens, thick wire with many wraps) have long ramp up times. you combat that by pushing up the wattage.
it all depends on what your building.

there are a few tanks that need that kinda power smok TFV4, the VCMT etc but 99% of the time your going to be using that kinda power for drippers.

big coil builds (claptons, aliens, thick wire with many wraps) have long ramp up times. you combat that by pushing up the wattage.
What he said;-)
Eventually you will want 150 watts. Happened to me last week. Glad I got a high power mod early on.
For me its all about the reduced ramp up time . On heavy coil builds the higher wattage sorts this out

For example I'm running dual parallel 24 gauge coils on the dripper at 100/110W. 40 watts was barely making them glow/burn hot enough to squeeze during the build.
For me its all about the reduced ramp up time . On heavy coil builds the higher wattage sorts this out

For example I'm running dual parallel 24 gauge coils on the dripper at 100/110W. 40 watts was barely making them glow/burn hot enough to squeeze during the build.

Can i see? pleeeease :)
I rarely use my mod above 80W to be honest, but I have yet to fully explore the dripping thing.
I've never gone above 65W.
To me it shouldn't be a problem if the mod can't do 120W+.
But I guess it's always best to get something with more power simply because you can always use less power, but cant generate more should you wish to.
I agree with shorter ramp up times :--). (Because dont like waiting 3+ seconds to get some decent vapor :banghead:)

I currently have 3 drippers (AX1, Aoelus and a (bullet RDA witch maybe replaced with a Velocity RDA)) And want a Crius to replace my ego one.

Build wire is as follows 28g kanthal, 26G kanthal and have a little bit of 24G stainless steel to play with once i have more power on hand. and will be looking at getting some 24G kanthal at some point as well.

As far as builds im looking at doing 1.0 ohm to 0.25 ohm Coils and like to mix between blowing big clouds and having a nice relaxing vape.