Always watch for the curve ball


Elite Vaper
Supporting Vendor
Vaping has been attacked for a long time, and some serious damage has been done to the industry in some of the biggest markets. But the curve ball that is worrying to me is the collapse of the manufacturing of devices.

This is looming large on the near horizon, preceded by massive price increases in hardware. That is my current view, it may or may not, or may partially, come to pass but it is always wise to keep an eye on macro events.

There are a plethora of reasons for the *probable* collapse of vaping hardware manufacture, partly because the demand has been crippled and starting up large-scale manufacturing in alternative markets is not a wise economic decision

So you wake up 12-18 months from now, your device het gekalf, there are no replacements available. For a while you can cope with the odd find of a new device, and for the rest buy used devices, which have also tripled in price.

How will you solve this problem? Hopefully not by smoking, though I expect about 80% of vapers will, sadly.
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Nice thread @YeOldeOke

I have also thought about this. It is one of the reasons that I never throw away a mod. I also never sell them. This leaves me with about 50 mods. A few have died but almost all of them could be fixed if needs must. I have at least forty working mods. The problem is that used and unmaintained electronic goods die a natural death given enough time.

The answer, as I see it, would be mech mods. They are very easy to make. I'm talking about functional mods here, not art pieces—a simple wooden, plastic or metal box style. I no longer use mech mods but I would return to using them in a heartbeat if there were no other alternative. Batteries will be available for a long time. Attys are similar to mech mods - Thet last a long time. Perhaps the most common issue with them is stripped post screws. This can be solved if you really need to. Glass can always be replaced.

I'm pretty sure that PG/VG/ and food flavours will always be available. Nic may become an issue but fortunately, it has a long shelf life. When the writing is on the wall I will buy it by the bucket load.

I, fortunately, don't care much about the aesthetics of my vape devices (a good looking one is just a bonus). A crappily printed mech mod will be just fine for me if there are no better alternatives.

I think that you are correct when you say that around 80% would return to smoking. It seems to me that many vapers think that juice making is some type of voodoo science and that using a mech mod is too complicated to do safely.
I think the full impact of Paypal banning the use of their services when it comes to vaping products is yet to fully materialise! Add to that the bans in the US and other countries like Australia and the situation in Honk Kong I think most manufacturing will end up in Europe, so less but far more expensive mods! The problem with most Chinese manufacturers where vaping is concerned is they are just branches of larger tech companies so if they see no future for them in producing vaping products they will just concentrate more on the many other things they produce!
Vaping has been attacked for a long time, and some serious damage has been done to the industry in some of the biggest markets. But the curve ball that is worrying to me is the collapse of the manufacturing of devices.

This is looming large on the near horizon, preceded by massive price increases in hardware. That is my current view, it may or may not, or may partially, come to pass but it is always wise to keep an eye on macro events.

There are a plethora of reasons for the *probable* collapse of vaping hardware manufacture, partly because the demand has been crippled and starting up large-scale manufacturing in alternative markets is not a wise economic decision

So you wake up 12-18 months from now, your device het gekalf, there are no replacements available. For a while you can cope with the odd find of a new device, and for the rest buy used devices, which have also tripled in price.

How will you solve this problem? Hopefully not by smoking, though I expect about 80% of vapers will, sadly.
When you are fairly old it may be an idea to keep a couple of your favourite brand of new mods in a cupboard. I nearly got through the cigarette ban and if things get tight with Vaping I can go a few years at least. I won't think a few months supply is adequate again.
I agree that mass produced rebuildable devices will disappear, (we're already seeing signs of it unfolding), and because most current devices can be serviced and repaired easily enough, their prices will go up substantially, (NOS and second hand) ..., My only concern is Nicotine availability ... ALL the other items required to build, repair, service, maintain and enjoy our mods and attys are easily obtainable, (albeit under the guise of / for uses other than vaping) ;-)
Time for some investigation into Nic synthesis methinks :wondering:
I totally agree with above comments , I have a mixture of mods , twin battery , mech and sq , enough to last a lifetime , atties are easy to maintain , broken glass might become an issue ,but there we have some clever guys who make acrylics . RDA's is basically the easiest to conserve -problem solved .
Only real uncertainty might be nic as @Intuthu Kagesi mentioned , a solution might be to stock up and store in the fridge ? Vapers are a resourceful bunch , so it is unlikely that a large proportion of us will ever retrogress to smoking .
I totally agree with above comments , I have a mixture of mods , twin battery , mech and sq , enough to last a lifetime , atties are easy to maintain , broken glass might become an issue ,but there we have some clever guys who make acrylics . RDA's is basically the easiest to conserve -problem solved .
Only real uncertainty might be nic as @Intuthu Kagesi mentioned , a solution might be to stock up and store in the fridge ? Vapers are a resourceful bunch , so it is unlikely that a large proportion of us will ever retrogress to smoking .
Glass is easily obtainable ... it's the same stuff used for sight glasses in industry ;-)
Nic in the freezer will last years! I have also recently gone back to diy, busy finding my 3 most liked mixes then I'll stock up on those flavours. By the end of this year I'll be 100% government proof. I'll just get a extra mod or 2 so I am safe on that front as well. As much as I dislike mech mods, because I like to fine tune my MTL experience, I will get one of those as well.
The TPD regulations made nicotine above the strength of 20mg and in larger quantity than 10ml banned for vaping years ago in the UK but all the DIYers like me have always still been able to get large quantities of 72mg (was highest strength even before TPD in UK) nicotine as before it's just not sold on vaping sites but is used for so many other things not linked to either vaping or smoking it will always be available just like mentioned VG, PG and flavourings!
but is used for so many other things not linked to either vaping or smoking
I've heard this statement before and the person who told me this also told me what it is used for but when someone asked me yesterday, I hit a blank. What is it used for again other than vaping and smoking?
I've heard this statement before and the person who told me this also told me what it is used for but when someone asked me yesterday, I hit a blank. What is it used for again other than vaping and smoking?
Pesticides etc. +multiple other uses
I'm waiting to see what the outcome will be once vaping become SABS approved and standard are set. I have a feeling the OP might ring true.

Well I'll just go mech and do what lockdown taught us. Pesticides for the win:D
Pesticides etc. +multiple other uses
Yep both my Grandad and Dad didn't so much as have a drag of a cigarette between them but both always had a container of liquid nicotine in their sheds, both very keen gardeners!