Amateur hour... Made my first dual coil...


New Vaper
Hey Everyone

So i made my first dual coil... Vaping on with them for about 4 days now. I have a Serpent Mini 25 with a BattleStar. I have the dual coil setup and decided the coils provided are a bit tired and get a lot of build up quickly. The new coils i made are Kidney Punch Nichrome 80 26g. I wrapped the wire around a +-3mm nail about 9 - 10 times... (no idea why but thats what i did so the coil could go over the breathing holes nicely)The coils are tightly wound and fire up quite nicely from the center to the ends. The coils are 0.30 ohms as the mod says... Vapes well and the flavor is better than than provided pre-made coils. Its a nice vape at 40w. Also using cotton bacon.

Have i done it right? Although it seems to be working well enough any pointers for potential improvements?
I can't provide any pointers, as I also made my first coils this weekend. I used plain old 24GA Kanthal though. Upload a pic, let us see. It's daunting vaping on your first build lol, like sucking on a firecracker. Well at least that's how I felt.
Hey Everyone

So i made my first dual coil... Vaping on with them for about 4 days now. I have a Serpent Mini 25 with a BattleStar. I have the dual coil setup and decided the coils provided are a bit tired and get a lot of build up quickly. The new coils i made are Kidney Punch Nichrome 80 26g. I wrapped the wire around a +-3mm nail about 9 - 10 times... (no idea why but thats what i did so the coil could go over the breathing holes nicely)The coils are tightly wound and fire up quite nicely from the center to the ends. The coils are 0.30 ohms as the mod says... Vapes well and the flavor is better than than provided pre-made coils. Its a nice vape at 40w. Also using cotton bacon.

Have i done it right? Although it seems to be working well enough any pointers for potential improvements?
That is pretty much the general idea!

The thing about rebuilding coils is that you can make a ton of subtle changes that will effect the vape based on your preferences. So for example I prefer a smaller ID (I usually go for 2 - 2.5mm), and much higher resistances (+-0.7 ohms).

Grab a meal and a cup of coffee, there is a LOT to read on rebuilding the SM25 in here...
So for example I prefer a smaller ID (I usually go for 2 - 2.5mm)

Oh I get it now, basically you are saying that ID preference is directly proportionate to wiener size.


I hope this banter is going to get you to take your training more seriously.
Hey Everyone

So i made my first dual coil... Vaping on with them for about 4 days now. I have a Serpent Mini 25 with a BattleStar. I have the dual coil setup and decided the coils provided are a bit tired and get a lot of build up quickly. The new coils i made are Kidney Punch Nichrome 80 26g. I wrapped the wire around a +-3mm nail about 9 - 10 times... (no idea why but thats what i did so the coil could go over the breathing holes nicely)The coils are tightly wound and fire up quite nicely from the center to the ends. The coils are 0.30 ohms as the mod says... Vapes well and the flavor is better than than provided pre-made coils. Its a nice vape at 40w. Also using cotton bacon.

Have i done it right? Although it seems to be working well enough any pointers for potential improvements?

If you like it how it is then you've done it right. Main things to look out for would be dry hits, hot spots and leaking. The rest is pretty much personal preference and as you practice, so shall you develop.