Aqua RTA Question


Useful Idiot
Calling all Aqua Owners.

Could anyone please show me what the included Clear tank section looks like? Is it the little one at the bottom of the RTA I see in pics?

I love my Russians, but after reading some reviews on the Aqua I am tempted to get one and try it out for myself. The reason for the clear tank question is that I prefer seeing the remaining level of juice in my RTA's.
Ah, i see now. Still looks good with the full clear tank. Would have been nice if there was an option to keep the steel part with a very small window. Guess you can't have your toast buttered on both sides. lol

yeah i hear what you saying

i love it the way it is though
Vape wise it kicks the Kayfun/Russian's you know what. Coil to 0.6 ohms.

I see a lot of people reckon this, hence my reason for looking at one.

The only thing bugging me is the small capacity compared to the Russian, but I rotate between 3 tanks anyway so I don't foresee a huge problem here.
I see a lot of people reckon this, hence my reason for looking at one.

The only thing bugging me is the small capacity compared to the Russian, but I rotate between 3 tanks anyway so I don't foresee a huge problem here.
i agree with @Andre

it does kick the russians you know what

the only thing that gets to me is the refilling- its a schlep to put the base back after filling (i dont the bottom filling method)

other than that, its an excellent tank
Just got my aqua in the post yesterday, cleaned it in the ultrasonic and want to get around to coiling it. Anyone have any links to nice videos or tutorials? Been using kayfun till now
Just got my aqua in the post yesterday, cleaned it in the ultrasonic and want to get around to coiling it. Anyone have any links to nice videos or tutorials? Been using kayfun till now

Good luck with that @Snape of Vape - I sukkeld my gat af to get it right! Kept on flooding or burning the wick.
Eventually ended up doing a 0.6 Ohm build with approx 1.4mm ID coils using 28G. My Kayfun build is normally a 2mm which I tried on the Aqua, but 2mm just don't work for me.

I've now been vaping on this Aqua build for 3 days and had no issues. I do have to adjust the juiceflow when I change juices.
Also noted that the Aqua is very thirsty compared to the Kayfun.
@rvdwesth I've only opened it up once, put it in the ultrasonic and cleaned it. Haven't had time to look at it. My worry is how this thing gets filled etc. I guess I'll find some proper videos online and just have a look at what they suggest there
Just built my first dual coil in the aqua, coil came to 0.8ohm.
Leaked like a waterfall, will have to figure out this whole filling etc

But damn, how did no one mention what a **** this thing is to build on?? Does it get easier or am I just used to my kayfun and drippers?
Getting those 2 coils on there was a mission!
Just built my first dual coil in the aqua, coil came to 0.8ohm.
Leaked like a waterfall, will have to figure out this whole filling etc

But damn, how did no one mention what a **** this thing is to build on?? Does it get easier or am I just used to my kayfun and drippers?
Getting those 2 coils on there was a mission!
Did you use a mandrel through each coils (i.e. 2 mandrels) when installing? Does make it easier.
Yup the first time I built coils on the Aqua is was a real mission

Hang in there bro, it does get easier as you go along

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Top filled some Gorilla juice, working nicely for now, bit of a gurgle sound, but at least it's running
When you top fill remember to close the juiceflow control and airflow turn the tank right against the base. Once its filled open the airflow fully and lightly blow out the excess juice, hold a tissue or vapertowel over the airholes and blow through the driptip. Then adjust airflow and enjoy.

This phaff is all negated by bottom filling. Its a bit more fiddly but you get use to it quickly.