Aspire Nautilus fix


Vaping Royalty
Tha battery in this pod system crapped out about a year ago+/-(estimating)
And I wanted to change it for a while.
A few weeks back I decided to open it gently for the sake of putting it back together in the same way.
Well that didn't go as planned because I couldn't figure out how to open it without breaking the thing apart.
I also couldn't find anything on this topic so I cut it in half.
And I discovered it really was the little lipo that failed.
I have been two minded about it, but these coils are quite popular so it wouldn't be a waste to fix it. I ordered a 18350 X2 but lockdown started that same weekend.

Tested it and it still fired with old 30Q.
Didn't have a battery that fit inside but I was also thinking a dual 18650 (replaceable) for those long days at work.

Then I saw a pod system with dual batts
Thanks @Puff the Magic Dragon and thought why not,but the battery sled I have would make it another project.
No1 is the size difference and 2 is I would have to make a body. (Still pondering that idea)
The main thing is the pod works and in future I will get this pod to look smart.IMG_20200515_213831.jpg IMG_20200515_214114.jpg Battery 3V didn't fire the chip.
This is my test battery. Weak but works and hold voltage. And it fires
So my next a with this pod is to figure out if I want a dual battery ,but suitable size. Or single.
I'm worried about charging time and longlivety if it's fixed inside.:smash2:
Mmmm... .u need 2 lipo 18650 or 18350 cells if u want to go dual...
Mmmm... .u need 2 lipo 18650 or 18350 cells if u want to go dual...
Or a compact dual sled. The one I got is bulky. Then there's charging time. This single 18650 has been charging for a while, slightly more than an hour and it went from 3.4V to 3.95 till now.
So either a lipo that I can swop out then.
Charging was full in about 2hrs and I'm vaping +-6 hrs. Not bad.
A IMG_20200516_223601.jpg single 30Q might just be it. I'm on the same charge and I have just refilled the pod. I have taped up the extention in the mean time. Till I can source a new battery and build up the body properly.
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Mmmm... .u need 2 lipo 18650 or 18350 cells if u want to go dual...
I get four days full out of the 30Q.
I'm still testing and might just get a new one close up the Nautilus AIO permanently when allowed to get one.