Battle of the drippers

Got myself the vicious ant. This beast is evil. Quad twisted coils, 6 wraps, 3mmID at 220W put me in my place fast

I like VA atty's, so if I had something to run this 30mm monster on I would buy a Goliath V2. But I don't have a 26650 tube mod or a big clumsy box mod, and I'm not buying either one just for this RDA. Lollipop gear doesn't appeal to me, not even just to play on (and that's all it would be to me, something to play around with).
Yeah hot damn I also dont have a mod that would look decent on. Even the RX cant see bigger than 24mm on there without overhang...

It will look great on that huge mod of Paulies I saw in the vids from the vape meet earlier this year. That thing is massive.