Best Tank For Ego T

Forgot you were in CT. Enjoy the vape meet. Try have a test on some well set up high end equipment. My advice to you is try find someone that has a flavour you like. Dont test it on a flavour you hate. Also, dont get too excited and take too many puffs. Take a few, then wait for a bit. I broke out in a sweat and had to lie down at our vape meet after taking about 20 puffs in a short space of time on various high end high power devices.


PS @Gizmo, whateter happened to the idea of showing where a forum member comes from in the info box below their name?

Thanks @Silver1 for the advice, will definitely keep that in mind. Very keen to try some high end devices, if available.
Derick, i doubt google taught you how to keep Melinda happy ;-)
You are just a great guy and thats how you grew up, long before google was born!
Not to get all soppy (considering its the day AFTER valentine's day), but that sounds like true love!
Oh definitely - this is our 8th valentine together - we are definitely matched 100% - cannot see myself with anybody else ever again /end soppyness
Now I feel all warm and tingling :) He is getting sooooo lucky tonight ;)