Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

Some nice vape mail guys, except for Rob's unholy unopened parcel picks a page back, everything looks great - congratulations all.
Delayed vapemail of note!! These juices left the US on the 27th of August 2014.

I received them 5 minutes ago!!

Delayed vapemail of note!! These juices left the US on the 27th of August 2014.

I received them 5 minutes ago!!

At long last! Fortunately all of their jooses like steeping. I quite enjoy Coolcumber Mint for a change of pace.
At long last! Fortunately all of their jooses like steeping. I quite enjoy Coolcumber Mint for a change of pace.
Will try that soon!

Funny thing is I had written these juices off and never expected to see them. Imagine my surprise when they were delivered.