Can I use organic cotton balls to wick coils?


Elite Vaper
Waterfall, KZN (Durban)
I have been searching the Internet to answer this question. I read a lot of mixed opinions. So I just want to find out from local folks on this site.

Without trying to sound like a cheapskate, to be honest, I love the "Cotton Bacon V2". But, without trying to diss any vendors, I think the price is a bit steep @ R140 for a pack.

My question is, can I use organic cotton balls to wick my rebuildable coils? I know these contain Hydrogen peroxide (HP) which is used to whiten the cotton, but if I boil and rinse these in distilled water, will it be OK?

There is a brand at Dischem which states that their cotton is high quality grown in Texas on farms, "organically". R30 for 80 balls. They admit that it is whitened with HP.

Has anyone tried this? Any comments? With the high price of juice, I am just trying to cut costs a bit.

Much appreciated in advance.

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Yes @Waine you most certainly can... I used the Dischem Organic Balls for a long time before I discovered Rayon!

PS No need to boil them either.
I use dove pleats bought from diskem. R 64 for a pack lasts me like 6 months or longer
Strips are perfect size, cotton is super absorbent, flavor on par and best of all you don't need to wash it. Use it right out of the packet


Why would you not need to boil the Dove? Is it totally untreated? Also, is it necessary to boil the Dischem cotton? Boiling cotton sounds like more trouble than it's worth. At Eskom's current tariffs, boiling the cotton would probably make the Dischem cotton more expensive than Bacon v2. :p
i would boil the dove cotton - as its 100% cotton, but NOT Organic.
Dischem's brown/beige pack it their organic cotton, which means no pesticide were sprayed on the plants.

i also used dischem's organic cotton, might still have like 3 bags laying around here somehwere.

now i just use ken-do Japanese pads....
Dischem Organic cotton balls, 15 odd bux for 100 balls, no need for boiling or any other crap. Just wick and vape.

First few puffs will have a cotton taste but then it's gone. Good flavour and absorption.

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About 3-3.5 years ago when I used organic cotton balls most folks were boiling them because most of them were processed with hydrogen peroxide that folks said gave them a taste they found objectionable. I never bothered to boil mine, I never noticed the flavor. Probably because hydrogen peroxide, paregoric and laudanum were regularly used for oral applications from when I was a wee lad growing up on the ranch from the late 40's, and at least HP and P until in my teens at least. So my "buds" were probably flushed with gallons of them. I moved on to other wicking materials around 3 years ago.
About 3-3.5 years ago when I used organic cotton balls most folks were boiling them because most of them were processed with hydrogen peroxide that folks said gave them a taste they found objectionable. I never bothered to boil mine, I never noticed the flavor. Probably because hydrogen peroxide, paregoric and laudanum were regularly used for oral applications from when I was a wee lad growing up on the ranch from the late 40's, and at least HP and P until in my teens at least. So my "buds" were probably flushed with gallons of them. I moved on to other wicking materials around 3 years ago.
What's your preferred wicking material now ?
What's your preferred wicking material now ?

READYxWICK, Koh Gen Do and SS Mesh (depending on which gear it will be used in). If I was a MTL vaper instead of a DLH vaper I would add CelluCotton to the list.
Wow guys. Thanks for the feedback. I really appreciate it. I bought a bag of the Dischem Softi cotton balls as per the pictures above yesterday. I will give it a try tonight. They also come in square blocks. I will try those too. I will take your word for it and not boil. I think the whole boiling, rinsing and drying process will expose the cotton to more bacteria and pot metals than if not boiled.

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Has anyone tried the same brand, but the squares?

I am so chuffed that you experienced vapers have given the thumbs up on these. Especially that I don't have to boil them!

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About 3-3.5 years ago when I used organic cotton balls most folks were boiling them because most of them were processed with hydrogen peroxide that folks said gave them a taste they found objectionable. I never bothered to boil mine, I never noticed the flavor. Probably because hydrogen peroxide, paregoric and laudanum were regularly used for oral applications from when I was a wee lad growing up on the ranch from the late 40's, and at least HP and P until in my teens at least. So my "buds" were probably flushed with gallons of them. I moved on to other wicking materials around 3 years ago.

I used these when I ran out of cotton and could not get to the bottom of why my juices tasted weird. About a week later I decided to study the packecking and came to the conclusion it was the HP
After all my research on the web and the response on this forum, I have resolved that I will keep these cotton balls if I run out of the good old "Bacon" and the Japanese cotton that I have. Especially if it's a bit of a tough month. The cons seem to outweigh the pro's. I mean, it just seems too good to be true that one can use cotton balls @ R30 for about five years supply. Life doesn't work like that. Otherwise everyone would be buying cotton balls and not the "Real McCoy".

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After all my research on the web and the response on this forum, I have resolved that I will keep these cotton balls if I run out of the good old "Bacon" and the Japanese cotton that I have. Especially if it's a bit of a tough month. The cons seem to outweigh the pro's. I mean, it just seems too good to be true that one can use cotton balls @ R30 for about five years supply. Life doesn't work like that. Otherwise everyone would be buying cotton balls and not the "Real McCoy".

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Lol, in the beginning everyone used those cotton balls - nothing else was available. Then someone saw a gap in the market and being the gullible beings that we are....
Oom Rob where can i buy Rayon wick and how does it compare taste wise and absorbing?

@JoeBlowsClouds Rayon isn't great in the sub ohm tanks and Bacon Cotton is a better bet because it can withstand more heat and punishment than Rayon does... however I only use Rayon in my REO's because with fruity and menthol vapes it just excels...

I will probably get a second Serpent Mini 25 on Saturday and will play with the dual coil deck and also play with rayon in the single coil deck.

Remind me when I head to JHB again and I'll bring you some... if you are anxious to try it sooner I will courier you some... if you are in JHB main the courier will cost R60. The Rayon will be free. ;-)