Coil Builds for Testing DIY Liquid


Dedicated Vaper
Johannesburg , South Africa
Hello All

Just curious to know what sort of builds people do on their Drippers for efficient testing of DIY liquids?

Personally, I do parallel coils that come out at 0.25ohms with Scottish roll wick. I find parallel coils much more efficient for testing as you get about 3-4 drags before the wick gets dry, so it's easy to test several liquids in one sitting.
One thing I have noticed recently is that the flavour and flavour profiles I get on my Aeolus vs on my TFV8 are completely different at times.

For example, menthol juices in my dripper can be extremely harsh. Like just a blast of menthol with little to no of the other flavours coming through.
On my TFV8 the flavour comes through a lot more and the menthol is more relaxed. I have played around with different wattages and such but it still seem to be like this.

I recently got some samples and a few other juices and once again, flavour is soo different. What tastes awful in my dripper tastes fantastic in the tank.
I am quite mind blown by this and a bit confused, I have tried multiple builds in the dripper and know how it performs with various coils and airflow and such. The tank is just using the commercial T8 coil.

So I have come to the conclusion that you certainly can't limit yourself.

I would also recommend you get the cotton dry before changing your juices when testing / sampling multiple juices, try avoid the juices mixing together. :)
Hello All

Just curious to know what sort of builds people do on their Drippers for efficient testing of DIY liquids?

Personally, I do parallel coils that come out at 0.25ohms with Scottish roll wick. I find parallel coils much more efficient for testing as you get about 3-4 drags before the wick gets dry, so it's easy to test several liquids in one sitting.
As many builds as possible Sir. Tanks, drippers, the whole works.
One thing I have noticed recently is that the flavour and flavour profiles I get on my Aeolus vs on my TFV8 are completely different at times.

For example, menthol juices in my dripper can be extremely harsh. Like just a blast of menthol with little to no of the other flavours coming through.
On my TFV8 the flavour comes through a lot more and the menthol is more relaxed. I have played around with different wattages and such but it still seem to be like this.

I recently got some samples and a few other juices and once again, flavour is soo different. What tastes awful in my dripper tastes fantastic in the tank.
I am quite mind blown by this and a bit confused, I have tried multiple builds in the dripper and know how it performs with various coils and airflow and such. The tank is just using the commercial T8 coil.

So I have come to the conclusion that you certainly can't limit yourself.

I would also recommend you get the cotton dry before changing your juices when testing / sampling multiple juices, try avoid the juices mixing together. :)
Getting a recipe to be consistent between different atties can take a long while. Indeed limiting your test gear is no advantage. The TFV8 ramps up darker base notes where most RDA is all top-end.
One thing I have noticed recently is that the flavour and flavour profiles I get on my Aeolus vs on my TFV8 are completely different at times.

For example, menthol juices in my dripper can be extremely harsh. Like just a blast of menthol with little to no of the other flavours coming through.
On my TFV8 the flavour comes through a lot more and the menthol is more relaxed. I have played around with different wattages and such but it still seem to be like this.

I recently got some samples and a few other juices and once again, flavour is soo different. What tastes awful in my dripper tastes fantastic in the tank.
I am quite mind blown by this and a bit confused, I have tried multiple builds in the dripper and know how it performs with various coils and airflow and such. The tank is just using the commercial T8 coil.

So I have come to the conclusion that you certainly can't limit yourself.

I would also recommend you get the cotton dry before changing your juices when testing / sampling multiple juices, try avoid the juices mixing together. :)

Getting a recipe to be consistent between different atties can take a long while. Indeed limiting your test gear is no advantage. The TFV8 ramps up darker base notes where most RDA is all top-end.

Sorry to hijack this thread, but have either of you had leaking problems with the TFV8 RBA section?
Sorry to hijack this thread, but have either of you had leaking problems with the TFV8 RBA section?
I have yet to try the RBA section. Still enjoying the commercial coils I got with it.
Will give it a try eventually though.
I replace cotton between every juice I test and a quick rinse off for the atty too. I test my tobaccos on the coil setup I end up using them on. Single coil, 26 awg nichrm, 7 waps MTL. Other juices I test in the tanks I vape them in. Saturate wick, screw on chimney/topcap, vape. Only fill up the tank when I like what I have created.