Coil Company Hadaly coils for Kayfun 5?


OG vaper
Cape Town
Has anyone tried these coils (designed for the Hadaly or Serpent) on a K5? i'm wondering what the fit would be like.
Looks like they are all 3mm id.
I actually have a 3mm id CC fused clapton in there atm and it's a snug fit, but I had to go 1 less wrap.
Hmm, I think these might be a tad too big
Looks like they are all 3mm id.
I actually have a 3mm id CC fused clapton in there atm and it's a snug fit, but I had to go 1 less wrap.
Hmm, I think these might be a tad too big
2 wraps off more or leas will fit well but you can fit them if you are willing to battle with the screws and the adjustments!
The fused clapton was a minor struggle - I went around the posts - thankfully that new feature to the deck makes it possible, but it still wasn't comfortable. Vaping like a champ but I think I'm gonna pass on these for the K5. And I don't use my Hadaly enough to warrant the purchase. Thanks for the input @Christos & @SAVapeGear
I have not tried @RiaanRed's coils yet so I can't comment on them but they do look amazing.

Some pics of coils I've built in the kayfun v5 all at 2.5mm ID.

20170610_175539.jpg 20170505_222410.jpg 20170501_182943.jpg 20170414_161430.jpg 20170304_141637.jpg
I took a wrap off the nano clapton and it works great in the kayfun v5 clone
Thanks @Schnappie I may actually have one or two of those in the black box. Will give it a bash next build :)
Its a tight fit but it works perfectly. As for the other 3 coils in the hadaly kit I cant see them fitting so didnt even try