Coiling For Flavour, Throat Hit And Vapour


Flavour and throat hit seeker
Staff member
Hi all

I'd really like to know what the aspects of the setup are that produce flavour, throat hit and vapour.

Here are my understandings at this stage. Lets build on this.

I understand this has a lot to do with power and the surface area in contact with your wick. More power and more surface area means more vaporising, so more vapour. I guess this also has to do with enough airflow and making sure the wicking is fast enough.

Not sure what drives flavour from the coil's perspective. I suppose you need enough surface area and power to vaporise enough liquid to get the flavour in the first place. But then what gives one coil better flavour than another?

I know that placing the coil low down for example on the iGOL and directly next to the airhole gives me maximum flavour for a given coil.

I also know that the design of the device and the airflow inside the device plays a role. Ive heard small chimneys like the kayfun produce better flavour. Also the Reo's Reomiser for example is small so produces good flavour. I also know that juices taste different at different power. Complex juices have flavours that are dulled or heightened at different power settings.

But what about the coil? Is a compressed micro coil better than a spread out one for flavour?

Throat hit
Not sure what gives one coil better throat hit than another. At this point, i know it has a lot to do with enough power and positioning of the coil closer to the mouthpiece. For example, raising the coil on the iGO-l or similarly shaped devices invreases the throat hit.

Share your views and experiences....
Great thread Hi Ho... I just strive for flavour with a decent cloud!
Thanks Rob

and while you all consider your responses, will be interesting to hear what you are all chasing.

I am chasing flavour and throat hit. Vapour is less important to me.
Thanks Rob

and while you all consider your responses, will be interesting to hear what you are all chasing.

I am chasing flavour and throat hit. Vapour is less important to me.

is it too much to ask to get all three :D
This will be a very interesting topic, and I would also love to read the various answers. There are so many variants at play here, when I get the flavour right, the throat hit is compromised, too low ohms and the flavour is compromised but the throat hit is good etc. etc.
I am chasing flavour and throat hit. Vapour is less important to me.

I want the taste and flavour above all else but I need some good coulds to finish off the experience... I also feel the flavour and clouds seem to be mutually exclusive! TH not as important.

And thanks to Hi Ho the number one thing for me is the position of the coil directly next to the air hole!
Awesome thread for reference.

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I chase flavour and throat hit.

So my understanding is as follows:

Airflow and surface area are the two most important components in getting your mix right.

Throat Hit:

The coil setup is dependant upon where your air hole is situated. But in general terms you would want the air to flow up under the vapour. The more air mixes with vapour the more TH you are gonna get.

Flavour is somewhat linked to how dense your cloud is. The denser the cloud (less air) the more flavour you will get out of the drag. If air catches the vapour after the vapour has been produced (i.e. coil sits below the air hole), the air acts as a vacuum and pulls the vapour up with it but does not air-rate through the vapour allowing the cloud to remain dense and giving you more flavour.

Vapour production (and flavour is this regard) is based on surface area and heat distribution over that surface area. A micro coil burning from inside out concentrates that surface area to where about the coil is, hence why with a dual micro coil setup and the paracoil micro setup you get better flavour cause in essence the surface area is great in the entire setup. With the separated coils the surface area is a bit larger and the heat is spread between the coils which means heat is spread across more of the wick vapourising more of the liquid. The catch here though is to ensure that you have enough power flowing to the coils as heat retention with separated coils is less than that of a micro coil.

Please note these are my observations from building different coil setups and going through my high school physics textbooks to jog my memory on thermodynamics and the like.

Edit: grammar errors
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For me personally, priority as follows:
1. Flavour
2. Throat hit
3. Vapour / clouds as some of you calls it
i have a 1.2ohm coil on the russian (3/4 wraps of 30g kanthal)

the flavour is awesome, clouds are good, th is compromised- i find myself having to 'double drag' (do a mouth hit, take a small breath, then immediately after do a looooong lung hit) to get a lekker throat hit

works like a charm, and clouds are thick
i have a 1.2ohm coil on the russian (3/4 wraps of 30g kanthal)

the flavour is awesome, clouds are good, th is compromised- i find myself having to 'double drag' (do a mouth hit, take a small breath, then immediately after do a looooong lung hit) to get a lekker throat hit

works like a charm, and clouds are thick

Open up the air hole and you will increase the throat hit
the air control screw is already completely removed
Is your build a standard micro coil?

If it is and you want a good throat hit try using the chimney coil instead.

If I am not mistaken the air hole is under the coil. This build will give you better throat hit as the air flows through the centre of the coil but the flavour is slightly compromised but not that much.

I use it in my evod and man it kicks like a horse.
was thinking about this, but a bit scared
Give the chimney coil a shot first as it is a lot simpler than drilling out the air hole with less risk, and if it doesn't work for you then drill the whole bigger.
I look for clouds, then flavour and last is TH, less TH is better for me..

2 best coils i had so far was the quad twisted and now the twin coil is a winner for both flavour and clouds..
I propose the following hypothesis - which I shall call Devdev's Vape Hypothesis - in relation to the pursuit for a decent vape.

I did not invent the diagram below, but have seen it frequently referred to. The same diagram exists in terms of food: Cheap/Fast/Tasty. As with the diagram here, it would seem that for most of us when seeking a potential mate we all strive for the perfect balance of all three characteristics. Typically though one has to compromise on one of the corners of the triangle.

picktwo-girls (1).png
Note: If you should find someone who occupies the center of the triangle, congratulations! You have found someone who is rarer than a Unicorn.

Now if I am to apply this particular diagram style to vaping , it supports my current fool-osophical line of thinking: That in pursuit of the perfect vape, one can typically only accomodate 2 of these reqiurements, as pursuit of those two appears (based on my experience and practical trials) to cancel out any chance of the physics involved allow one to succeed in achieving the third corner of the triangle.

Accordingly I propose the following diagram:

Vape-PickTwo copy.jpg

It is important to mention that the physics and chemistry involved in the science of vaping means that it is theoritically possible to achieve an all rounder, but my suspicion is that this all rounder will in fact consist of a well balanced vape experience, but that it will be compromised. Meaning that while you may find TH/Flavour/Clouds present in a given design, it will certainly not be the best of each of those three.

Again, I say that it must be possible to attain all three, but at this stage I have not found the solution.

In my experience what does come very close is non-other than the Reo

[/LOAD MODE +Fanboy]

In accordance with my limited, but promising experience with the Reo, I propose the following hypothesis:

Vape-PickTwo - Reo Zone copy.jpg

It would appear to me that the zone of catness (i.e. the ultimate vape) is possible with the Reo, although this is not something I have perfected just yet, and I still suspect that the third corner of the triangle will have to be underrepresented or compromised.

[/LOAD MODE -Fanboy]

Having said all of that, I think a dripper style setup allows for the best chance of reaching the zone of catness. My experience with the KF style of RBA indicates to me that it is not possible to reach this zone, however it is possible to accommodate 2 of the corners of the triangle.
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I want the taste and flavour above all else but I need some good coulds to finish off the experience... I also feel the flavour and clouds seem to be mutually exclusive! TH not as important.

And thanks to Hi Ho the number one thing for me is the position of the coil directly next to the air hole!
Two ways to get more clouds. (1) Get juices with more VG. (2) Consider opening up that air hole just a tad. Easily done on the Reomizer with a drill bit by hand.
Two ways to get more clouds. (1) Get juices with more VG. (2) Consider opening up that air hole just a tad. Easily done on the Reomizer with a drill bit by hand.


My 100% VG should have arrived today! :oops: Note to @Oupa : The must never ever send with this courier again as long as we both shall live! ;)
me chasing both clouds and flavour. TH is not that important to me. I also got the feeling that the flavour is increased with density of the clouds. I.e. with the Origin I got for the first time really dense clouds, i can feel the density on the tongue whilst exhaling....and the flavour is better with that.

Gesendet von meinem LIFETAB_E7316 mit Tapatalk
Thanks Lizzie. Seems there is no comment from fellow posters :/ must mean my hypothesis is correct!

Even more shocking that none of the cat lovers approved of the zone of catness comment. Very disappointing! Will have to approach the fine master and arrange for the whole forum to be fined