Do you even lift bro?


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Any fellow vapers into gyming or working out?
The thing which made me start vaping is the fact that I was always out of breath when jogging, since vaping and quitting analogs, those days are a distant memory. I can train for longer without breaking a sweat or running short of breath.
I used to train every day of the week alternating between karate and gym and baseball. I've been lazy for quite a while now. I really need to get back into it. Even if it's just gyming
Hi Richio... I enjoy staying active myself and I can tell you vaping has made a massive difference in my cardiovascular energy. Lately I have been wondering about the effects of nicotine on bloodcells but not enough to actually do the research. My understanding, although I don't remember how I came by this info, is that nic shrinks your cells as well as has an effect of the speed at which they move due to either slower or faster hart rate. Do not quote me on that though. If anyone on the forum is a doctor maybe you can help me out. So my question is... Particularly after a training session when the body is primed for nutrient uptake... Does vaping prior to taking post supplementation affect the manner in which the nutrients are transported? Surely if nic shrinks blood vessels or cells they're not capable of carrying the nutrients as effectively as they should?

Might seem a silly thought but I've been hesitant to pick up my mod as soon as I get into the car after a workout... The best time for a hard hit! If anyone has thoughts on this, you're welcome to share.
I been wondering along the same lines, IIRC nicotine speeds up your heart rate and lowers oxygen levels in the bloodstream. A higher heart rate combined with less oxygen flowing to the muscles would mean earlier fatigue. So I normally stop vaping atleast 30 mins prior to a workout and 30 mins after.
im a gym enthusiast too. been this way for a long time now. and ive found that since vaping my breathing has improved quite a bit
I been wondering along the same lines, IIRC nicotine speeds up your heart rate and lowers oxygen levels in the bloodstream. A higher heart rate combined with less oxygen flowing to the muscles would mean earlier fatigue. So I normally stop vaping atleast 30 mins prior to a workout and 30 mins after.
I think I'll incorporate these vape breaks from now on and extend them to an hour. Thanks for sharing.