Easiest single coil RTA to wick?


General dumbass
in your guys most humble opinion which is the easiest and most forgiving single coil RTA to wick?

I’ve been using rda’s exclusively for about 2 years but am looking for a tank to drive around with but the problem is I’m hopeless with rta wicks. Absolutely completely unbelievably hopeless.

Looking for something very forgiving.

Suggestions? Please...

Thanks in advance.
in your guys most humble opinion which is the easiest and most forgiving single coil RTA to wick?

I’ve been using rda’s exclusively for about 2 years but am looking for a tank to drive around with but the problem is I’m hopeless with rta wicks. Absolutely completely unbelievably hopeless.

Looking for something very forgiving.

Suggestions? Please...

Thanks in advance.
OBS Nano, straight forward and very forgiving, I love mine :clap2:. Flavour is good, deck is open and easy to work on. Top airflow, so no leaking, Juice consumption not that bad. Waiting for new OBS Crius, deck looks similar, so it should also be easy but with bottom airflow may be more flavour full. Cannot comment yet as it is still the unknown.:D Cannot wait for it!!

Zeus is a bit/lot more finicky and more time consuming, but the flavour is absolutely amazing, more in line with dripping imo, but it is a thirsty tank.

Have you considered squonking as a option? RDA build ease and flavour with a bigger capacity, I am trying a little Pico squeeze with Wasp nano at this stage in the car due to bigger capacity, but have to find the sweet spot still. But at least I get home without having to refill, and battery is still alive, although barely. Starting to see why a lot of people loves squonking, especially because I suck on it like a dummy while driving!

Good luck with the hunt, hope you find the perfect one that hits all the right spots, and 1 or 2 pit stops and re-wicking becomes a breeze.
I have both a Zeus and a Serpent Mini 25. The Serpent is easier to build and wick and in my opinion gives slightly better flavour, albeit slightly. The Zeus is very nice and has its place, but getting the coil lengths just right is a pain sometimes.
Surprised that Serpent SMM has not been mentioned. I can't realy compare to the others mentioned, but absolutely a breeze to build and produces great flavour

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+1 for OBS nano or the dual coil if you can find one.

No leaking at all. No condensation at all. Wicking is super easy. My favourite part is that you can get to the deck without having to dump out your juice. So you can rewick without emptying your tank.

I don't think this will satisfy you if you vape above 70W. I can't take my glass off for some reason so cleaning mine sucks.
I have both a Zeus and a Serpent Mini 25. The Serpent is easier to build and wick and in my opinion gives slightly better flavour, albeit slightly. The Zeus is very nice and has its place, but getting the coil lengths just right is a pain sometimes.
I had a serpent mini 25 a long time ago. Sold it cause I was only using my drippers. I think I might grab one again. Flavour was spot in that thing.
I have not tested or owned alot of rta’s but the serpent mini, merlin mini and skyclone is all in my category of easy and forgiving rta’s.
Nice thread @Paul33

SubTank Mini is very easy to wick, I have never had a problem with it. Very forgiving.

So too the Skyline

And I find the exocet in the BB is also very easy
in your guys most humble opinion which is the easiest and most forgiving single coil RTA to wick?

I’ve been using rda’s exclusively for about 2 years but am looking for a tank to drive around with but the problem is I’m hopeless with rta wicks. Absolutely completely unbelievably hopeless.

Looking for something very forgiving.

Suggestions? Please...

Thanks in advance.
None easier to coil and wick than the Engine Nano,could only be simpler if you find a auto-wick device.
In fact all the OBS tanks are a breeze in this department.
+1 for OBS nano or the dual coil if you can find one.

No leaking at all. No condensation at all. Wicking is super easy. My favourite part is that you can get to the deck without having to dump out your juice. So you can rewick without emptying your tank.

I don't think this will satisfy you if you vape above 70W. I can't take my glass off for some reason so cleaning mine sucks.
@Spyro ,I take apart what I can and put it in a bowl of boiling water for a minute or two and this does the trick.
Nice thread @Paul33

SubTank Mini is very easy to wick, I have never had a problem with it. Very forgiving.

So too the Skyline

And I find the exocet in the BB is also very easy
I do like the look of the bb as a run around for during the day. Skyline also looks good.
I do like the look of the bb as a run around for during the day. Skyline also looks good.

BB is a great run around @Paul33
Small and compact
Nice juice capacity
good battery life
And a great vape so far on my side
BB is a great run around @Paul33
Small and compact
Nice juice capacity
good battery life
And a great vape so far on my side
That’s what I’m looking for. I’m a buyer and am in the car pretty much all day and dripping does become a bit of a hack I won’t lie.

I’d love to try one before I fork out cause there’s other luxuries like food and water to consider...
I vote for the Zeus. Everything in it just makes sense. It fits beast coils if you want to go that side. I have a 7 wrap 19g flat Clapton in there, and funny enough I need no more than 39w. I'm very impressed, much more than with my Ammit or Merlin, or OBS Nano. I am really liking that you don't have to tuck your cotton into a hole. You simply comb, cut, and wedge it in. There's nothing to it. The cap is twist off. I see someone here has complained about it being postless meaning you must pre-cut the coils - I completely agree there - I'm not a fan either.
Nice thread @Paul33

SubTank Mini is very easy to wick, I have never had a problem with it. Very forgiving.

So too the Skyline

And I find the exocet in the BB is also very easy
So I dug in the cupboard last night and found a goblin mini v3. Threw in a massive 8 wrap 26g kanthal single coil at a balmy 0.95ohms which fires at a record breaking 15w. Very very different Vape to a RDA at 60-70+ watts but I must admit I’m liking it a lot. Reckon I might be going back to lower watts for a while.