Ejuice and wicks


New Vaper
This might sound weird, but I think my ejuice is damaging my wicks (indirectly)!

I'e recently bought Fantasi Orange and quite like the sweet orangy taste as an alternative to my edv minty flavors. I have however been experiencing some issues with my wicks since I started on the Fantasi.

I assume the juice has a butload of sweetner in it as the coils gunk up very quickly (as you would expect with very sweet juices), but, after about two days, the wicks just fall apart in the middle of the coils where the gunk buildup occurs.

Is this a case of the gunk causing irregular coil heating and then burning through the wick at that spesific spot, or could it be operator error by letting the wicks dry out too much and not dripping or filling the tank often enough?

I am running a geek vape medusa on a smok x cube ultra. 60W @ 0.31 ohms. Kendo gold cotton.

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Howsit man

The Fantasi range is a really tasty vape indeed,but they are known to be 'coil killers'.
This is my opinion based on my experience with the Fantasi range as well as feedback that Ive received from fellow vapers.

Perhaps you are correct in the assumption that there is a lot of sweetener used in them.
Try replacing your coils with the exact same coils as you used this time around and change your juice-you will notice the difference.
I actually re-wicked an RDA yesterday and the same thing happened, the wick just fell apart in the middle. I think it has more to do with one to many dry hits (I'm a forgetful person to say the least, so in the minute between a hit where I know I need to drip and the next pull I forget to add juice), causing the wick to slowly start to burn away where it is in contact with the most heat.
Hi @PhillipF,
I get the same problem on occasions. It's more of a combination of factors. Generally more prevalent on a small ID coil with too much cotton and gunked up coils from sweet juice. Basically the cotton at center isn't wicking fast enough causing it to dry up and burn. Sweet juices make this worse. Try thinning out your cotton a smidge and avoid excessive chain vaping to give your wicks a chance to catch up

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Hi @PhillipF,
I get the same problem on occasions. It's more of a combination of factors. Generally more prevalent on a small ID coil with too much cotton and gunked up coils from sweet juice. Basically the cotton at center isn't wicking fast enough causing it to dry up and burn. Sweet juices make this worse. Try thinning out your cotton a smidge and avoid excessive chain vaping to give your wicks a chance to catch up

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Think I should try doing a 3mm id in stead of 2.5. Think that might help?

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Howsit man

The Fantasi range is a really tasty vape indeed,but they are known to be 'coil killers'.
This is my opinion based on my experience with the Fantasi range as well as feedback that Ive received from fellow vapers.

Perhaps you are correct in the assumption that there is a lot of sweetener used in them.
Try replacing your coils with the exact same coils as you used this time around and change your juice-you will notice the difference.
With my diy juices that contains no sweetner or at most, 5 drops of sweetner the coils don't gunk up so that's the logic behind my reasoning on why the coils get dirty

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Think I should try doing a 3mm id in stead of 2.5. Think that might help?

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Might help, however I think just keeping a closer eye on your juice level might be more beneficial/practical. Basically just resign yourself to the fact that with really sweet juice at the wattages youre running you will only get a day or two out of your setup till you need to clean coils and re-wick.

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I noticed that the coils only look discolored in the middle.
That to me says the outer edges of the coils aren't heating.
I'm not saying that's an issue, just wondering if that could maybe be a contributing factor, as you are basically only heating up that small section of wick.

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I noticed that the coils only look discolored in the middle.
That to me says the outer edges of the coils aren't heating.
I'm not saying that's an issue, just wondering if that could maybe be a contributing factor, as you are basically only heating up that small section of wick.

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The coils 'get up to heat' in the middle first. Even though the edges get hot, the hottest part is in the middle, that's why the discoloration is most prevelant there. If you look at rebuild videos and tutorials 99% of them shows the middle turning red first so I don't think its a problem. I might be wrong :)

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