Sorry all been sold. a Friend of mine has taken the last one. You can follow the link above to the supplier and order one. If by any chance somebody "chiken" out I will let you know.
Got mine today. Now to find a Nautilus Mini to try it on.

Thank you @Comfort Vape for an efficient and flawless group buy. Your trouble is much appreciated.
I have tried using 26G kanthal and 30G Kanthal and twisted together 30G Kanthal and I think 28G Kanthal will work the best with it.
The 26G is too think and heats up the tank too much.
The 30G is too soft and is difficult to work with in that small deck space.
I have tried using 26G kanthal and 30G Kanthal and twisted together 30G Kanthal and I think 28G Kanthal will work the best with it.
The 26G is too think and heats up the tank too much.
The 30G is too soft and is difficult to work with in that small deck space.
Thanks, what ID mandrel do you use?
I use the screwdriver that came with the deck.
I have a Vapeking coiler, but one size is too thick and the next too thin, so I opted for the screwdriver.
I'm using 28awg SS 316L around a 2mm dia screw driver and running it in temp control and runs like a bomb.
Get between 0.6 and 0.8ohm... great vape...
I'm using 28awg SS 316L around a 2mm dia screw driver and running it in temp control and runs like a bomb.
Get between 0.6 and 0.8ohm... great vape...

How does it compare to the famous Nautilus Mini stock 1.8 ohm BVC coils we used on this device @Spikester ?
It has far better flavour and I have it running on a evic vtc mini in temp control and it runs great.

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