Help, my scale has passed away!


Life is good and I am blessed :)
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My trusty old DIY scale, which I have mentioned on this forum before and which has served me many a good year, has eventually traded the current with the infinite. A moment of silence while we grieve this please........

Okay, moment over. With this I went into a scale buying spree as I could not yet find a exact replacement of the one I had. Evidence below:


Scale 1: Very good, accurate, but when you press tare you need to put your finger below it as the work area cannot be soft like here with my giant mouse pad. Fail
Scale 2: Excellent little scale! Accurate, no fuss about pressing tare, nothing. Only goes up to 200g. Fail.
Scales 3 and 4: Scale 3 is the bigger culprit here but both do it where there is like a 0.5 - 1second delay before it starts indicating the weight. Fail.
[EDIT] Insert is example of the scale I had

Now I can import one like the one I had, but that has its own complications at the moment (e.g. I needed to import a computer fan from America and USP does not ship here anymore so I had to use courier, so the fan which cost $15 had a shipment fee of $40!!) and it will take a while to get here as well.

So, the question out there is, where can I get a proper scale, one that does 0.01g - 500g/600g?? I am willing to pay a little extra but if you tell me scale XYZ is excellent but costs R2K then I am gonna have a mini heart attack.

Please help!!
I think we had the exact same scale!



I got mine off eBay or Bidorbuy for weighing off pellets for my air rifles. (Yes, I was a pain in the ass when doing a zero check with exactly weighed pellets, lol)

Maybe try your local gun shop as well, as mine does grams and grains. Try Safari Outdoor maybe?

My other scale is the 1st one you have I think from Valley Vapour if I recall correctly
I think we had the exact same scale!

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I got mine off eBay or Bidorbuy for weighing off pellets for my air rifles. (Yes, I was a pain in the ass when doing a zero check with exactly weighed pellets, lol)

Maybe try your local gun shop as well, as mine does grams and grains. Try Safari Outdoor maybe?

My other scale is the 1st one you have I think from Valley Vapour if I recall correctly
Alas, Valley Vapour closed down in 2020. Someone bought them over, but they're doing bulk imports on concentrates only.

Will check out places like Safari Outdoor, etc. thanks :)
Alas, Valley Vapour closed down in 2020. Someone bought them over, but they're doing bulk imports on concentrates only.

Will check out places like Safari Outdoor, etc. thanks :)

Damn, I didn't even know they closed down. Things sure have changed since the last time I vaped full throttle. Just glad you got my order done before your scale died on you :p
Damn, I didn't even know they closed down. Things sure have changed since the last time I vaped full throttle. Just glad you got my order done before your scale died on you :p
Lol, I always have backups, as you can see. It's just dealing with the nigglies they have which frustrates me.
I hear you. I used to use the small one for weighing off concentrates as it was more accurate, and then used the big one (like 1st one in your pics) to weigh off the PG and VG only. But one scale would be best, I know. I just had a weight limit on the smaller really accurate one.
I've had bad luck with Bid-or-Buy before, but at that price I might give it a go, thanks

@ivc_mixer My brother collects Toby jugs which he buys mostly from Bid or Buy. Just last night we were talking about it and he mentioned that B or B changed their modus operandi. Now, you pay B or B, not the seller. Should the seller default, B or B will refund your money.
@ivc_mixer My brother collects Toby jugs which he buys mostly from Bid or Buy. Just last night we were talking about it and he mentioned that B or B changed their modus operandi. Now, you pay B or B, not the seller. Should the seller default, B or B will refund your money.
Thank you. Took the plunge last night and ordered a cheap one from there which is similar to my previous one. Now let's see. :)