Help with ohms law


Vaping Addict
Hello fellow vapers and masters. I am fairly new to this vape thing and own a pico mega with a serpent mini tank. Absolutely stunning setup. What my question is about today and please forgive me if i should have known the outcome already.

In the attached picture is a coil build i want to do on my serpent. My question is what would be the outcome to my vape - taste and cloud quantity on this build?


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If I understand you snapshot correctly, your resistance will be around 1.93 ohms. That is very high. You will need a lot of power to get a proper vape.

Ah, I see you are using 30 gauge wire, which leads to the high resistance. Suggest you get wire of 26 or 27 gauge and aim for, for a start, resistance of around 0.6/0.7/0.8 ohms. Users of the SM tank should give you a better indication of a good build.
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Okay, so if I'm reading this app right, you're looking at 8 wraps of Kanthal 30g, with a 2mm ID.

Very much a MTL vape, but more so then I have seen before. Not much chance of clouds there. Maybe try starting off with 26g Kanthal, and a 2mm ID (internal diameter), and try your first build at about 7 or 8 wraps, 30 is very thin!

What sort of vape are you looking for would actually be the best place to start for us!
Thanks for the help so far. I have currently a 26g kanthal on 8 wraps with 2mm id that runs at 0.92 ohms.

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If I understand you snapshot correctly, your resistance will be around 1.93 ohms. That is very high. You will need a lot of power to get a proper vape.

Ah, I see you are using 30 gauge wire, which leads to the high resistance. Suggest you get wire of 26 or 27 gauge and aim for, for a start, resistance of around 6/7/8 ohms. Users of the SM tank should give you a better indication of a good build.

I think Andre meant, 0.6 / 0.7 / 0.8 ohms :)
On the Serpent Mini 22mm, shoot for a 0.6 - 0.7 ohm build. 26gauge, 2mm id 5 wraps. Should put you just over 7ohm. OR my favorite build in the SM 22 is 26gauge twisted. 7 wraps on a 2.5mm id, lower 0.6ohms.

If you are adventurous and have 0.5mm flat ribbon wire, twist that with the 26gauge, tiger wire. 5 wraps of that on 2.5 will give you a 0.55 ohm reading.

From one noob to another, with a regulated mod you do not need to worry about Ohms law too much. As long as you stay within your mod's paramaters, 0.1 - 3 Ohm resistance, you can feel comfortable to use the coils. Your mod will make sure to limit amps.
Thanks @Anneries for your insights it is much appreciated and i will have a look at your suggestions on the coils.

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