Here's to Dolly, to clone or not to clone

IMO I think that clones might actually help boost the sales of Authentic's. Yes agreed, there will always be sales lost to clones which should have gone to the creators of the Authentic but then again there's the flip side.
Using myself as an example, I've ordered myself a Goon LP 24mm 1:1 clone and if it's good I'll be saving up and buying myself an Authentic. In my case I wouldn't mind dumping R200 into a clone and then finding I don't like the deck or the vape or the air flow etc. It's better than spending 1K and finding this out.
Although the clone isn't an accurate representation of what the Authentic will be like, it should still be a fair comparison, or at least enough to give me an idea of whether I'm going to sell a kidney and get that Authentic.

Just my 2c on this matter... now where's my damn popcorn gone?!
Where did you get that clone from so fast??o_O I haven't even sent it to yet! Thought you needed one to test? Oh wait are you posting someone elses experiences as your own?

I am utterly confused, in fact you are going off about every single thing about the clone that is not relevant to the info I posted THE MATERIAL. I even stated the machining leaves a lot to be desired. There was never any "authentic OL16 hate".

:rofl: This is too much for one night. Have a good night guys, I think I inadvertently trolled this thread into the ground. :rofl:

well done mate, you're an amazing troll
IMO I think that clones might actually help boost the sales of Authentic's. Yes agreed, there will always be sales lost to clones which should have gone to the creators of the Authentic but then again there's the flip side.
Using myself as an example, I've ordered myself a Goon LP 24mm 1:1 clone and if it's good I'll be saving up and buying myself an Authentic. In my case I wouldn't mind dumping R200 into a clone and then finding I don't like the deck or the vape or the air flow etc. It's better than spending 1K and finding this out.
Although the clone isn't an accurate representation of what the Authentic will be like, it should still be a fair comparison, or at least enough to give me an idea of whether I'm going to sell a kidney and get that Authentic.

Just my 2c on this matter... now where's my damn popcorn gone?!

The only down side with clones for testing purposes is sometimes you get really crappy one and that could ruin the experience and throw you off from buying a authentic.
Where did you get that clone from so fast??o_O I haven't even sent it to yet! Thought you needed one to test? Oh wait are you posting someone elses experiences as your own?

I am utterly confused, in fact you are going off about every single thing about the clone that is not relevant to the info I posted THE MATERIAL. I even stated the machining leaves a lot to be desired. There was never any "authentic OL16 hate".

:rofl: This is too much for one night. Have a good night guys, I think I inadvertently trolled this thread into the ground. :rofl:
I'll gladly test a clone that works. For science and stuff. I'll still buy authentic.

The hate is not from yourself per se but it's a recurring theme that the atty just costs too much.
Owning a clone and not pointing out its flaws on a public forum so people can make their own mind up has been my aproach until a while back when I got gatvol.

I'll gladly pay R3000 for another if I need more.
Using myself as an example, I've ordered myself a Goon LP 24mm 1:1 clone and if it's good I'll be saving up and buying myself an Authentic. In my case I wouldn't mind dumping R200 into a clone and then finding I don't like the deck or the vape or the air flow etc. It's better than spending 1K and finding this out.
Although the clone isn't an accurate representation of what the Authentic will be like, it should still be a fair comparison, or at least enough to give me an idea of whether I'm going to sell a kidney and get that Authentic.

Y'know you can watch review videos to get that info :tonguewink:
Said this before and I'll say it again.

  1. There is a market for clone devices for a reason.
  2. There are very few "original ideas" everything else is a copy of a copy of a copy.
  3. Competition has never been a bad thing, in fact, If the originals are worth the extreme pricing clones might as well be made from chocolate.
So If any of you guys have recently driven a car, or used a phone, or brushed you're teeth (or clone teeth).... Well, I'm sure we get the point here.

Said this before and I'll say it again.

  1. There is a market for clone devices for a reason.
  2. There are very few "original ideas" everything else is a copy of a copy of a copy.
  3. Competition has never been a bad thing, in fact, If the Reo is all its said to be a clone might just as well be made from butter.
So If any of you guys have recently driven a car, or used a phone, or brushed you're teeth (or clone teeth).... Well, I'm sure we get the point here.

What does a reo have to do with anything?

P.S. the reo was the first squonker I.E. the innovative idea.
Still waiting to see a usable reo clone ;)
I'll gladly test a clone that works. For science and stuff. I'll still buy authentic.

The hate is not from yourself per se but it's a recurring theme that the atty just costs too much.
Owning a clone and not pointing out its flaws on a public forum so people can make their own mind up has been my aproach until a while back when I got gatvol.

I'll gladly pay R3000 for another if I need more.

I own and use the clone OL16 daily. Does it have its flaws yes 100% my first one I got from FT was utter crap. The one I got from GB better still the top cap is very tight the screws are very easy to strip. The machining does also leave a lot to be desired sharp edges etc. Plain simple fact I don't WANT to pay that much for an authentic. I can live with the niggles, does it give the same flavor as an authentic? I don't know will have to do the test and see

I get the feeling you don't want to take up my flavor blind test as you probably know there's not a noticeable difference?

Anyway let's put this to bed. Each one to his own and la die da kumbaja...
What does a reo have to do with anything?

P.S. the reo was the first squonker I.E. the innovative idea.
Still waiting to see a usable reo clone ;)
Yeah, I cloned (hehe) another post, lets get lost in the details there.
Anyone of reasonable understanding should get the point perfectly ;)
The orange.
Point is should there only have been the reo, or is it ok for other squonkers to exist, because basically these will have copied the idea?

Perhaps if original designers keep up with current innovation and keep their pricing reasonable, there would be no market for other similar devices ever.
I have an authentic Pollux RDA and 4 clones. No difference between the authentic and the clones, apart from the price. They all vape the same and I enjoy all of them the same. Yes, I still use them, even if the design is quite old (in vaping terms).
I don't mind buying clones. If it's kak, then it's kak. It's a risk you take when you buy a clone. Some people just can't afford the authentics and some clones are built extremely well, like the Pollux ones. I'm very happy with them.
When i started reading this thread i was excited to see diffrent views and i got my popcorn.

Now it feels like im watching Days of our lives or Bold and the Beutiful, same thing over and over... Its getting old now...

Lets just let everyone enjoy their gear be it fake or authentic as long as we enjoy what we have and are happy then good for everyone.

Vape on....
When i started reading this thread i was excited to see diffrent views and i got my popcorn.

Now it feels like im watching Days of our lives or Bold and the Beutiful, same thing over and over... Its getting old now...

Lets just let everyone enjoy their gear be it fake or authentic as long as we enjoy what we have and are happy then good for everyone.

Vape on....

I agree fully, i think its a matter of who can afford (or is willing to pay the price) to buy athentic, I bought a original Hadaly for my Leprechaun (stuggled with it, but love the flavour when I get it right) wanted a another one, bought a clone for the Reo because I couldn't afford another Authentic. The vape and look basically the same, but only time will tell how long the clone lasts. If I had the finances I would not buy clones, but it is what it is... There will always be a market for both....
What was next squonker IE. after the reo?

Squonkers date back to sometime in 2009. Technically the first commercially available was the Juice Box that had an integrated atty. They had issues that could only be resolved by sending them back to Carlos, and his inability to fulfill orders soon caused the death of this device. Maybe an inspiration maybe not, but Robert O'Neil soon after created what became the most commercially successful squonker of all time worldwide, the Reo, and started shipping them in early 2010. Uncountable vapers worldwide took up squonkling because of them. Reos are called the gold standard that all others of their kind are compared to.

Two of my most cherished Reos are early originals that are still in mint condition... an OG Mini (14500) and an OG VV Grand (2 18350's in series).
Too expensive is relative when you look at ROI. In all honesty it probably works out cheaper in the long run for me anyways.

I have probably a somewhat different view of what ROI entails. Your view of ROI appears to be "goedkoop is duurkoop, if you buy cheap it will pack up in two months, if you buy expensive it will last for years. After five years, you will have spent less on the one authentic than the seven clones you bought". That is fine but my view of ROI is:

1) What is the ROI in terms of my life rather than just my hobby? If I have R10k to spare, what gives me better ROI - a HE mod which will be organic dust at the bottom of a landfill in twenty years time, or R10k invested into my bond or unit trusts? In my experience, there is little lasting value in shiny consumer toys.

2) Smoking was not a fashion statement to me, vaping isn't either. I was never the type to have a sterling silver cigarette case and a gold-plated designer lighter. I used the cardboard box the smokes were sold in and a flick-o-the-Bic. Disposable items - buy 'em, use 'em up, throw 'em away. Go as cheap as possible. I never saw the point of spending extravagantly on something that was killing me. Vaping might not be killing me but it's still a functional item, like a kettle. All I ask of a kettle is that it boils water efficiently and lasts a reasonably long time for what I pay. Which brings me to...

3) ROI on product longevity. Your experience is that clones/cheap items don't last, my experience is that they do. I have four mods, none of which cost me more than R500. I haven't had any problems from any of them. I have ten atties, none of which cost me more than R520. I haven't had problems from any of them. No broken glass, no bent or broken posts, no stripped grub nuts, no cracked insulators, no perished/snapped o-rings, no bent or broken 510s. Have I been lucky? Probably. But I have seen enough threads/posts on this forum about broken gear to know that it's not restricted to cheap gear. I have seen people complaining about Yihi and DNA boards packing up, just as often as I've seen posts about cheapie Eleaf boards packing up. My view is that if you have a reasonable chance of any mod packing up, I'd rather drop R500 on a mod than R5k. I can throw away a broken R500 mod and laugh about it. Not so with a broken R5k mod. Similarly, if someone wants to spend R5k on a beginner setup, I'll always advise them to buy two cheap setups rather than one premium setup. With two cheap setups, one can bomb and you still have the other to vape until you can get repairs/vape mail. With one more expensive set-up, if it breaks, you're either paying through the nose just to get a vape or you're back to cigs.

4) ROI on vape quality. The two atties I vape most are my Velocity and Recoil clones. Together they cost me R500, the same as my Avo 24. I don't detect any better vape quality from my Avo. I have the same with juice. Some will tell you that they only vape Cuttwood juice at R380 for 30ml. Is it better than my DIY juice? I don't know, I've never tasted it. But I'm more than willing to concede that it is better and tastier than my DIY juice. Is it "13x the price" better? Absolutely not. I am happy with my vape quality so I see no need to spend more on it. I have other priorities for my money.

Of course, others will differ and have different priorities. And the free market should cater to all. I'm just giving my view of what ROI means.
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The type of lung disease Dolly developed is most common in older sheep. And in January 2002, it was revealed that Dolly had developed arthritis prematurely. She was cloned using a cell taken from a healthy six-year-old sheep, and was born on 5 July 1996 at the Roslin Institute, Edinburgh, Scotland.Feb 14, 2003
The type of lung disease Dolly developed is most common in older sheep.

Sheep are also extremely susceptible to popcorn lung. Which is why popcorn factories aren't allowed to hire them, and vets recommend that they don't vape, or at least avoid juices that contain diacetyl. Is it coincidence that you've never seen a sheep vaping while operating a machine in a popcorn factory? I think not.
Sheep are also extremely susceptible to popcorn lung. Which is why popcorn factories aren't allowed to hire them, and vets recommend that they don't vape, or at least avoid juices that contain diacetyl. Is it coincidence that you've never seen a sheep vaping while operating a machine in a popcorn factory? I think not.

Does that mean that all the people here who blindly jump onto the next "best" trend are at risk? :--P