How do you find a new e liquid

These days, I do try and look at other juice options but I’m still all over LIT AF The Bae, so I ended up ordering 2 bottles of that (yes ONLY two :( I went through my vape budget like a wrecking ball) and one bottle of Stalker. I caved in and ordered 4 Dudes, The Mountain Dude to try that as well since it is on sale at Vape Cartel, R180 for a 70ml bottle.

No answer for how to find “THE one” when it comes to juices. Luck of the draw for me at least.
It can be a bit expensive keeping a favorite premium juice on hand.I love Cassadegga Cannoli as I've stated over and over and have tried other "So called "Cannoli brands with much disappointment .But recently I've found a "bargain brand " at ELiquid Depot aptly named Cannoli that is oh so close in flavor to the name brand but it's half the price shipping included for twice the amount !Sometimes you get lucky.
@Carnival So it's now the "box of shame" and not the walk of shame :rofl:
Yep - I too have a "box of shame" but I've started PIFfing most of them, slowly but surely. I've also bought some concentrates which I want to add to those which I feel could be renovated e.g. if I feel it needs more chocolate or whatever - but I haven't got around to that yet.
Yes @Hooked it is good to pif.I wish I knew some fellow vapers locally and I'd do the same.I would love to share with my forum brethren and sisters alas the vast ocean separating us prevents it.
How do you find a new juice? Enter comps ... and more comps ... and more comps!!!!

And be extremely wary of buying a juice based on what other forumites have said about it, unless you know that you have similar tastes. I've made this mistake a few times and been disappointed - not that there's anything wrong with the juice, it's just that the flavour isn't right for me.
And then we've all seen reviewers that rave that every juice they hawk is an ADV!
Yeah I believe you....Not
I have spent a lot of monies on juice and I still don't have "The one". Lol.
I have a few favourites tho.
I don't have a distinguished palate, so I can finish the bottles. Nothing is worse than my DIY juices. Lol.
Thus, I try to get at least 1 or 2 new juices when I get my monthly stock.
Not sure if they still do it, but Juicy Joe's used to have a juice of the month thing and they would price it at R100. Would buy whatever flavour it was to taste.
My favourite remains Red Pill,

I will sometimes mix it up and Vape XXX instead of Red Pill. LOL
I also enjoy Calamity Jane and or Chocolate tobacco (Black Bear) on a daily basis,
As for the rest I try in store and 90% of the time when I do buy it I vape maybe 10ml and give the rest to my son.
I can honestly say I have no more than maybe 6 juices that I really like and buy again
A new fave Rob?

Nope it's the same juice but with a different name. XXX changed recipe a year or so ago and I didn't like it so I get Vapour Mountain to make me XXX with the original recipe. People have tasted the original recipe and love it too and wanted it... so they released it as Red Pill.
Some vendors advertise their best-selling juice of the week/month. I've spoken about this elsewhere but can't remember where. To me, that doesn't mean that the juice is the best. It simply means that they sold a lot of it, because people are like sheep - everyone's buying XYZ so it must be good, so I'm going to buy it too. Within a short time that juice is the best seller - but who knows, maybe those who bought it didn't like it after they'd tried it.

Nope - don't be mislead by reviews or best-sellers. Don't be mislead by the flavour description either. No juice on earth is going to make you feel as if you're watching the sunset on a tropical island when you're stuck in your car in a traffic jam. Focus rather on the flavours. This juice has banana, guava, litchi and pineapple. Do you really like all those flavours? If there's just one of them that you don't like, don't buy. There are so many juices on the market you can look around and find one which has all the flavours which you like.

But, having said that, don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone - but not at your cost. If you can test the juice in the juice on your own mod (this is important) that's great.
I would like to do that,check out some new flavors and get together with fellow vapers.Unfortunately none of my friends vape though I've tried to get a couple off cigs by setting them up with starter kits.

@kev mac Yep I have the same problem and in the small town where I live there are only 3 vapers - and none is interested in a vape meet. Weird! A friend of mine is the exception, but she's a noobie and hasn't bought her own juice yet - I PIF the ones that aren't right for me, to her!
I'm lucky in that I never get tired of my top 3,Cassadegga Cannoli ,Food Fighter Crack Pie and Cream filled Cakes (Twinkies by I forget the brand) Also like you I'll visit my B+M and the employees always have suggestions based on my taste and will let me sample if possible.

I've never heard of the ones that you mentioned but I Googled them and oh my, they sound yummy!! Do you know of any good coffees for ?
I also think that a Sample Box is a great way of trying out new juices, whether you're still trying to find your flavour profile or perhaps you just want something new. When I started vaping only a few months ago, we unfortunately didn't have sample boxes in SA - what a pity! BWDV @RivasCB now has a sample box every month. I think it's a great system!
Got this in an email today that I thought should be posted here.

(And no I'm not affiliated with Vape Cartel, but @KieranD and @SEAN P are really pulling out the stops)

I have spent a lot of monies on juice and I still don't have "The one". Lol.
I have a few favourites tho.
I don't have a distinguished palate, so I can finish the bottles. Nothing is worse than my DIY juices. Lol.
Thus, I try to get at least 1 or 2 new juices when I get my monthly stock.

@TylerD I love your spelling of "tho". It makes me think of a juice called That Thai Tea Tho. I haven't tried the juice, but I love the name!
Got this in an email today that I thought should be posted here.

(And no I'm not affiliated with Vape Cartel, but @KieranD and @SEAN P are really pulling out the stops)

View attachment 124272

Aha!! As far as I know, BWDV @RivasCB was the first sample box in SA. Then Born to Vape (BTV) came along with theirs. Isn't it interesting that one vendor takes the initiative, is apparently successful, then others fear losing out and follow suit. It can only be a good thing!
These days, I do try and look at other juice options but I’m still all over LIT AF The Bae, so I ended up ordering 2 bottles of that (yes ONLY two :( I went through my vape budget like a wrecking ball) and one bottle of Stalker. I caved in and ordered 4 Dudes, The Mountain Dude to try that as well since it is on sale at Vape Cartel, R180 for a 70ml bottle.

No answer for how to find “THE one” when it comes to juices. Luck of the draw for me at least.
@Carnival l know ,they all sound so yummy in the description but I must say I'm in the minus category when I put my faith on a review or description. I swear there's reviewers that claim every one's an ADV.How lucky are they?
I have spent a lot of monies on juice and I still don't have "The one". Lol.
I have a few favourites tho.
I don't have a distinguished palate, so I can finish the bottles. Nothing is worse than my DIY juices. Lol.
Thus, I try to get at least 1 or 2 new juices when I get my monthly stock.
@TylerD My experience in diy has been somewhat a failure.Lord knows I've tried and follow the "pros" advice"i.e.DIY or Die but that guy has talent way beyond me and I dare say most fledgling home brewers.There's so much more to it than 2 mil.of flavor A ,2mil.of flavor B as I've found out.Plus I suck at all things math!
@TylerD My experience in diy has been somewhat a failure.Lord knows I've tried and follow the "pros" advice"i.e.DIY or Die but that guy has talent way beyond me and I dare say most fledgling home brewers.There's so much more to it than 2 mil.of flavor A ,2mil.of flavor B as I've found out.Plus I suck at all things math!

But @kev mac , I thought you had that tobacco RY4 mix that you loved?
@kev mac Yep I have the same problem and in the small town where I live there are only 3 vapers - and none is interested in a vape meet. Weird! A friend of mine is the exception, but she's a noobie and hasn't bought her own juice yet - I PIF the ones that aren't right for me, to her!
@Hooked though I live in a fairly large city I only see vapers at the shop.I've tried converting a couple of smokers I know with out success even though I gave them everything needed.I think being older most of my peers are too set in their ways.
But @kev mac , I thought you had that tobacco RY4 mix that you loved?
Hi @Silver yes it was my first love but I needed a change and created a Cannoli monster .I got hooked on pastry and dessert flavors. However it may be time to visit an old friend .
Hi @Silver yes it was my first love but I needed a change and created a Cannoli monster .I got hooked on pastry and dessert flavors. However it may be time to visit an old friend .

I hear you, DIY is a challenge and i am just starting
Rabbit hole of epic proportions
Nope it's the same juice but with a different name. XXX changed recipe a year or so ago and I didn't like it so I get Vapour Mountain to make me XXX with the original recipe. People have tasted the original recipe and love it too and wanted it... so they released it as Red Pill.
Gotta like a man that knows what he wants!
@Hooked though I live in a fairly large city I only see vapers at the shop.I've tried converting a couple of smokers I know with out success even though I gave them everything needed.I think being older most of my peers are too set in their ways.

Don't give up on preaching @kev mac - it worked on me, then it can work on anyone

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