How many cigarettes did you smoke?

How many cigarettes did you smoke per day?

  • Less than 10

    Votes: 5 5.3%
  • In the teens

    Votes: 8 8.5%
  • About a pack a day (20)

    Votes: 24 25.5%
  • 20 to 30

    Votes: 22 23.4%
  • 30 to 40

    Votes: 16 17.0%
  • About 2 packs a day (40)

    Votes: 15 16.0%
  • About 3 packs a day (60)

    Votes: 3 3.2%
  • More than 3 packs a day (i needed help!)

    Votes: 1 1.1%

  • Total voters
A mix of both I would say :)

increased wattage was my answer to solving the drinking part...

the other part is social awkwardness. which i would love to find a cure for....

i can handle other vapers, generally smart people and funny people. its when i have to endure conversations with the dummys that i land up just going to rebuild a coil or something
Imagine how much money the tobacco companies loose per day just from the people on THIS thread alone.

Yes its not relative compared to their billions, but it sure as hell packs a punch.
Yoh i was not even close to any of you guys.

Dunhill lights. A pack lasted me 3-4 days, sometimes a week.
I was basically a casual smoker but even after Dr asked me to stop I just couldn't for some reason.
All my friends smoke and being around them was tuff man lol
But since 20 September I have not had a stinkie. I had to test if I was really done so I have tried and got so nauseous not even taking a full drag.
Imagine how much money the tobacco companies loose per day just from the people on THIS thread alone.

Yes its not relative compared to their billions, but it sure as hell packs a punch.

so my 10 years

smokes were R15 a pack when i started and R25 a pack when i quit (average increase of 1 rand a year)
rough calculation of 340 days a year smoking (sick days i wouldnt smoke)

grand total spent : R68'340.00 !!!!!

OMFG that is MOFO Insane !
Started 2005 in varsity. Averaged about 10 a day. When going out could easily go through 1 pack a night. Tried all brands and settled for Marlboro Gold.
Out of everyone I converted, about a handful, only 1 still vapes. I noticed that if you don't progress with your gear, it doesn't stick.

I used the Evod battery for about 3 weeks before I got my beloved Spinner 2's for the extra boost.
I totally agree but as you can see from @Nimatek's posts - he is a vape convert for life. Mum still struggles with the stinkies, but a lot of it has to do with some crappy stuff that is going on at home currently. She does smoke 1 pack a week now tho down from 10 stinkies a day
I smoked Dunhill, 30 a day for 50 years that's just over a half a million cigarettes I smoked.
After I started vaping it took me 4 days to stop the cigarettes, not had one since. :)
So vaping stopped me smoking cigarettes.
Thank you vaping.:*
20-30 Camel lights /day for 30 years. During the last 2 or 3 years I didn't really enjoy it - it was that first 1 in the morning with a good cup of coffee that kept me a slave. Vaping has definitely done the trick
About 30 Camel Blacks a day for +- 10 years. I was lucky - had no intention of quitting at the time, but bought a (terrible and overpriced) Twisp Edge for those times when I couldn't smoke. After using that progressively more frequently for two weeks, I realized that cigarettes started tasting worse and worse and that I didn't really 'need' to smoke anymore (Twisp caved in a week after with no customer service or honoring of warranty whatsoever, so luckily I had to upgrade then)
When I used to smoke "stinkies" about 3 years ago, I would average around 13 - 15 a day, then I used tablets called "zyban" (Works 100%) I quit smoking for a year, then one night I had a few dops to many and was having drags of my friends "rollies", I then started rolling my own till about Feb this year also averaging around 13 - 15 a day. In Feb I went to twisp bought a solo, this thing lasted about week, bought 2 clearo's, these also did not last to long, leaking etc, coils lasting a week blah blah,. So I looked into an alternative product (Subox mini kit) :D, still vaping on this thing. I quit the "rollies" the day I bought the solo. Haven't smoked a stinkie or a rollie since.

Little background on Zyban, its actually an anti depressant tablet but when they did a survey about 90% of the smokers quit smoking for some odd reason lol. I just took them with the idea of "this isn't going to work" and carried on smoking as per normal, I was off the stinkies a week and a half later without even noticing. So if you are struggling getting off stinkies by using vape products I can recommend Zyban, I have referred about 4 of my friends to this and they have all stopped the stinkies. You need to get these tablets proscribed by a doctor obviously with reason to quit smoking :)

I do not want to derail this thread or in any way try to invalidate @KlutcH 's point on Zyban. However, Zyban (Bupropion, prescribed in 'anti-depressant' form as Wellbutrin) or Chantix / Champix (Varenicline), like most other drugs (or vaping for that matter), works very well (with varying degrees of side effects) for some people and for others not at all (or the side effects might outweigh the benefit). I took Wellbutrin for other health reasons (side effects quite rough, but I do not 'regret' taking it as it was necessary at the time) and thought that I might as well quit smoking then as well, and found that for me it made it no easier - I ended up failing completely. Additionally, the side effects (as with many other drugs and of course varied from person to person, but it seems to have been understated with Zyban / Champix at one stage) can be quite serious.

As far as the demonstrable harm linked to these drugs (Lots of info available on net. 2 links: it actually seems that they are 'proven' to be more harmful than vaping (as specifically a smoking cessation aid). Additionally, they (Bupropion at least) have been in general use for roughly the same time as vaping - so the arguments as to the "long term adverse health effects" of vaping not being sufficiently studied would be equally applicable to these drugs (I do realise that in order for any medicine to be approved at all, extensive clinical trials have to be undertaken. However, even according to clinical reasoning the ultimate long term effects can only be 'predicted' with some level of probability).

Perhaps a point to ponder for some Ministers of Health.
Used to smoke Craven A menthols , between 5-7 a day , more when i went out with friends. Bought my first evod kit and 18mg juice in 2013 and haven't touched a cigarette since . Evod lasted me a solid year with no leaks or dry hits or anything.i upgraded to a Reo after a year dropped my nic content down to 12mg , im vaping happily on 3/6 mg juice now 2.5 years down the line.

i still have my evods somewhere lol !
Started smoking at 12yrs and quit at 27. Benson and hedges special mild, moved to rothmans red ended up on dunhill lights. 20's cost R9.50 when I started and about 35 to 40 rand at the end. Averaged 10 a day. So glad its zero now
marlboro blue ice . 1 pack a day .but only to half the cigarette. didnt like the taste after that and trew it away
Lets see. Started with Camel Lights in matric maybe 2 or 3 a day. Then varsity maybe 5 to 10 a day. London for a few years, went up to a pack of Camel Mild a day. Last 15 years between 20 and 30 Camel Lights a day. Stressful day, up to 40 a day. When I finally started vaping (don't believe the stuff VA sells counts) cut the stinkies down drastically and then quit as they started to taste god awful.

If you need to have a stinkie then have one. It may take a bit of time but we all quit eventually and in our own time.
Morning, morning my fellow inmates,

I was just wondering (as I am still sukkeling to get off the stinkings) when you guys smoked, how many cigarettes did you smoke per day? And maybe which brand?

I've been smoking now for.. 26 odd years (Started when I was just a boy :hit:)

I use to gooi about 25-35 a day (40 on a bad day), smoking Winston since day 1, I'm down now to about 10.

I sukkel with it, man!

EDIT: I would like to add, over the years with the tobacco laws and all, tobacco companies started reducing tar and nicotine in their cigarettes. Every time a new 'look' came out for the cigarette boxes, I noticed my smokes are less powerful. I use to HATE that, but now I'm glad about it!

Great thread @Clouder !
Have added a poll for you. Let me know if its okay
I actually wanted to open the same thread, even though I vape and have great juice i still smoke in between sometimes (3-5 a day). And when i smoked i had a box a day (20+) Stuyvesant filters. When i just started vaping i quit the day i bought my Penny mod and Kanger Tank (The big one) it lasted 3 months without a hitch and then one night had a few drinks, misplaced my mod and woke up smoking the next day. Since then its been a few a day while vaping.

At this moment in time ive been off the stinkies for 3 days and just vaping, im going to do it the free will way this time. If i can get past the first week it will be easier and when week 2 comes i will say the same thing until i dont feel like ever touching that shit again! Its hard but maybe just dont smoke.

A trick i learned the past 3 days - only vape when you feel like a smoke. Its helping me a lot.

Go for it @Drmzindec
Wishing you well! We expect to hear how its going each and every day! We are going to help you get to the two week mark! You can do it