Innokin Iclear X.1

Rob Fisher

Staff member
Winston Park, Durbs
The Innokin iClear X.1 - I didn't have high hopes for this one because I really wasn't a fan of the iClear 30B. I decided to fill it with Vapour Mountain Menthol Ice to give it a fair shake. I put it on the SID at 8 Watts... first impressions was an awesome vapour production and beautiful flavour! It's not a variable air flow and I would prefer a slightly tighter draw but it's still really nice! I think this will be a winner for people wanting a pyrex medium sized tank.
iClear X.1 005.JPG

I went out to fetch my daughter from school and grabbed the iClear X.1 on the SID... walking to the car I realised the drip tip isn't 100% secure and it wobbles a bit... you don't notice it when you are sitting down and vaping but walking it is really noticeable and quite disconcerting...

It also developed a really bad leak while I was out and gurgled and gave me liquid in my mouth... I got back to my kennel and cleaned it all out and changed the coil... yes it was a dud coil just like I experienced with the first Aerotank coil... but this one was worse and also made the SID unhappy because there was even liquid on the battery connector... epic fail...

Cleaned it all up and put in a new coil... all fine again. Man that drip tip wobble is annoying! But apart from that it's a pretty good clearomizer.

The iClear X.1 costs R380 vs the Aerotank at R340 vs the Aspire Nautilus at R450.

iClear X.1 011.JPG

How do I rate the three of them?

Number 1 by a country mile is the Nautilus
Number 2 is the Aerotank
Number 3 is the iClear X.1

I think they have made a mistake with the iClear X.1 not making it an adjustable airflow and that fact alone makes the Nautilus and Aerotank a much better buy! And then that annoying drip tip wobble is a fail. PS the Nautilus also isn't without fault and the drip tip is too loose although it doesn't wobble... the perfect tank would be the Nautilus tank with the Aerotank drip tip that fits really tight!

I'll revisit this review in a week or so time to see if anything changes for me after using it for a while.
I'm really enjoying the aero tank... Thumbs up my only thing is that the adjuster is a bit loose on the aero tank and have at times moved it accidentally. Top marks apart from that!!!
??Great review Rob

I like the way you compared it to the others.

Just a question - are the drip tips from the three tanks interchangeable? Maybe the aero one fits on the Nautilus?

Also, are you able to swap the Nautilus tip with a plastic one? Maybe another tip may have a slightly different seal that makes it sit tighter. Maybe worth a try?
I'm really enjoying the aero tank... Thumbs up my only thing is that the adjuster is a bit loose on the aero tank and have at times moved it accidentally. Top marks apart from that!!!

Just a question - are the drip tips from the three tanks interchangeable? Maybe the aero one fits on the Nautilus?

Also, are you able to swap the Nautilus tip with a plastic one? Maybe another tip may have a slightly different seal that makes it sit tighter. Maybe worth a try?

They do all fit in each but none are perfect... the best fit is the new Plastic one on the Nautilus but it doesn't look too kewl... the plastic one also fit better on the iClear X.1 but it still wobbles a bit.
They do all fit in each but none are perfect... the best fit is the new Plastic one on the Nautilus but it doesn't look too kewl... the plastic one also fit better on the iClear X.1 but it still wobbles a bit.
Rob maybe try and put another O-ring around the base of the drip tip to make it slightly thicker, that should assist in making it a snug fit. Or perhaps some dental floss under the current O-ring to bulge it out a bit so it becomes a tighter fit.
Another need for your toolbox Rob, set of o-rings - a little thicker o-ring replacement on the tips might just make them fit more snugly.
Geez second time it happens to me today - just thought I have something to say, then see someone else posted same thing, same time, but his speed is faster than mine! :eek:
Geez second time it happens to me today - just thought I have something to say, then see someone else posted same thing, same time, but his speed is faster than mine! :eek:

Sorry dude
Thanks @BhavZ and @johanct! Great minds Dewds! :D

It boggles me that such a lot of research must go into these designs and even the top of the range stuff has such simple issues that should have been solved at the outset!
No Rob, look at the bright side, if all were 100%, it will take the fun away and all of us will only post jokes and k@# on the threads.
No Rob, look at the bright side, if all were 100%, it will take the fun away and all of us will only post jokes and k@# on the threads.

Excellent point! So what we are saying is that the ecigssa forums are being helped by Innokin, Aspire and Kangertech! Yes I'll buy that!;)
Great @Rob Fisher glad you getting sorted and discovering what works for you

I do agree that a simple thing like a wobbly drip tip is inexcusable. What were they thinking!!! But at least there are ways around these issues most of the time. And i also agree it does make the whole thing a bit more fun and give us more to discuss.
Yes it does Hein

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OK it's been a few days with the X.1 and I have been using it on and off with Menthol Ice and apart from the srip tip wobble (which may be solved when my plastic drip tips arrive) it has been ok and it's won't be one of those devices being handed off... I've realised that one needs quite a few tanks to have different juices in so you can change and I do prefer the X.1 to the mPT2 so I think this tank may be filled with my 0mg Menthol Ice for late night vaping.
I have also been using the X.I as my all day vape for 2 days now, really enjoying it.. :)
On the down side its a noisy little tank..
I have also been using the X.I as my all day vape for 2 days now, really enjoying it.. :)

I think the dud coil really spoilt my first impression of it... I should maybe not review stuff till I have used it for a few days because invariably my impression changes... I had the same issue with the Aerotank and I really like the Aerotank now!
Yea agreed Rob, but sometimes excitement to let everyone know gets in the way. No worries. I still havent used the Aerotank yet as I am really not a Kangertech fan. :p
I think the dud coil really spoilt my first impression of it... I should maybe not review stuff till I have used it for a few days because invariably my impression changes... I had the same issue with the Aerotank and I really like the Aerotank now!
We all do that...fortunately we can always re-visit a review. Love my Aerotank...looking forward to try the Mini Aerotank with the 1.5 ohm coils from @Shako.
Yea agreed Rob, but sometimes excitement to let everyone know gets in the way. No worries. I still havent used the Aerotank yet as I am really not a Kangertech fan. :p

Yip I do tend to get a little over excited when Vape Mail arrives!