Introduce Yourselves:

Welcome @king-ding-n-ling :D

More than a year off the cigs is a fantastic achievement, well done :clap:
And yes, the forum is definitely much more addictive than cigs, nictoine, vaping, (breathing) :p

Have fun :)

And all that time using a it feels like a whole new world has opened up to me lol
Welcome to the forum @king-ding-n-ling.congratulations on the 14 months of being away from stinkys.if you have enny questions just give someone a shout
And all that time using a it feels like a whole new world has opened up to me lol

Quick...hide your wallet! Vape gear tends to cause leaks in wallets :D

It's a good time for new gear though, we are totally spoiled for choice right now - there is just so much amazing stuff that choosing becomes an full time activity all by itself ;)

And cudos to the trusty old twisp for freeing you from the cigs - we tease the twisp sometimes on here, but it's helped so many people :)
just something friends used to call me during my young and naughty days....
Lol, had to look it up, and now it cannot be unseen:

Urban Dictionary: A tiny little scrotum often mistaken as a penis, but is actually tinier and slightly less effective and pleasuring! A term for penis, commonly used by people uncomfortable using the term penis.

The Free Dictionary: A stupid,foolish,or eccentric person. A person who is scatterbrained or eccentric.
My dad smoked a packet of Consulate a day for over 40years, and its now been a year without touching a cig...he also has used the Twisp...

In Dec i got him the Evic Monster and Kanger Tech Mega and i got myself the Nautilus Mega......massive difference.

My only issue with this is that the bug has bitten me....
Lol, had to look it up, and now it cannot be unseen:

Urban Dictionary: A tiny little scrotum often mistaken as a penis, but is actually tinier and slightly less effective and pleasuring! A term for penis, commonly used by people uncomfortable using the term penis.

The Free Dictionary: A stupid,foolish,or eccentric person. A person who is scatterbrained or eccentric.

LOL - it actually came from the movie Bad Boys 1....
My dad smoked a packet of Consulate a day for over 40years, and its now been a year without touching a cig...he also has used the Twisp...

In Dec i got him the Evic Monster and Kanger Tech Mega and i got myself the Nautilus Mega......massive difference.

My only issue with this is that the bug has bitten me....

It is always great to hear a long time smoker successfully switching to vaping - no matter the gear they used...well done to both of you then :rock:

PS: Once the bug bites, there's no going back...enjoy eating bread for the rest of the year :p
Fairly new to the world of vaping.
Twisped for awhile until I was introduced to a fantastic store...

My habits have evolved rapidly, current set up is the nautilus mini on vission spinner 2.

Absolutely loving it. Flavour and vapour production is fantastic.

Where to from here?
Fairly new to the world of vaping.
Twisped for awhile until I was introduced to a fantastic store...

My habits have evolved rapidly, current set up is the nautilus mini on vission spinner 2.

Absolutely loving it. Flavour and vapour production is fantastic.

Where to from here?
Most welcome to the forum. Congrats on kicking the stinky habit. Where to depends entirely on your wishes and your purse, but you have a good setup there:). Happy vaping.
@MS-Vape o will recommend a istick its a nice small mod and works very well with the nautilus mini.its a 20watt mod and there is a 50watt mod Cuming out in a months time or's not very expensive and is very reliable.i think that would be a good one to upgrade to
Thanks! I am intrigued by the cloud production some achieve...

I need a new coil every two to three weeks - that still healthy?
Thanx @MS-Vape the same to you as well.if you want anymore advise please shout
Welcome @king-ding-n-ling.
The name did somewhat remind me of another pseudo-nickname we often joked about - Tripod. Hope that's not the case, as tripping over things and bumping your head when you are 'nekked' and at your most vulnerable could be a disadvantage ;)

I do admire the fact that you lasted that long with the Twisp. I couldn't, but there are lots of people I see every day that are quite content with it.
I have to admit that while I used it with the Twisp juices, it worked quite well. Not having juice samplers readily available to try was a real let-down, especially after trying some flavors and not liking them at all - I don't have endless pockets. I also hated getting the odd mouthful of juice once in a while due to the top coil design and the need to tilt it to wick properly. E-cigs are not comfy to hold horizontally when vaping, while an analog is quite easy to pinch between 2 fingers with no effort, so the top-coil designs is a definite no-no in my books.

Enough rambling, I hope you enjoy the stay and the wonderfully crazy people on the forum.
Hi all!

My name is Jessie. I’m from Joburg. I’ve been wanting to quit smoking cigs for a while and a friend of mine introduced me to vaping! I have an Eleaf iStick mod with a Mini Aspire Nautilus atty and I am loving it!
Hallo @Puff-The-Dragon well done on quitting the already have graet gear.and welcome to the forum you have come to the right place.
@Puff-The-Dragon if you have enny questions don't hesitate to ask
Hi all!

My name is Jessie. I’m from Joburg. I’ve been wanting to quit smoking cigs for a while and a friend of mine introduced me to vaping! I have an Eleaf iStick mod with a Mini Aspire Nautilus atty and I am loving it!

Sup @Puff_the_Dragon, Welcome to the forum and finally giving up the stinkies! WOOP WOOP

Enjoy the forum... the info on here will totally pop that brain!

You should say thanks to @LandyMan for making a plan for me to fetch your new gear!