JHB Vape Meet #5


Im the real boss
Supporting Vendor
Fourways, South Africa
We going to Alibi again, it has been booked as per the post below.

When: 30th August 2014

Venue: Alibi Fourways

Time: 14:00

Till: When we all overdose on nicotine

[rsvp=3419]Click here to RSVP[/rsvp]

1am7h30n3 2
Adam 4
Adksuperman 1
adriaan 3
Alex 1
annemarievdh 2
arshad 2
AtomicFruit 2
Austin VapeonMadison 2
baksteen8168 3
BigAnt 2
bwbwings 2
Chef Guest 2
Cliff 1
Darth_V@PER 3
Derek 2
devdev 1
DoC 1
Ernst@topQ 1
Ferdi 2
Gizmo 4
GoblinGrffn 2
Grayz 1
HappyCamper 1
Harryssss 2
huffnpuff 2
ibi 2
JB1987 1
Jimbo 1
Joey786 2
johan 1
Kent90 1
KieranD 4
kimbo 3
Kuhlkatz 1
Leon 2
M4dm0nk3y 1
Melinda 2
Michael 8
Mike_E 3
Mklops 2
Moist 1
Morne 1
MurderDoll 1
NickT 2
Nightfearz 2
paulph201 1
PeterHarris 2
Phill 2
Poppie 1
Raslin 2
Reinhardt 1
Riddle 2
Rob Fisher 3
Rowan Francis 2
rvdwesth 2
Shako 2
ShaneW 1
ShaunCro 1
Silver 2
Silverbear 2
Smoke187 1
Smokyg 2
Snakeza 1
Sophia 2
Stroodlepuff 9
sunneyboy 2
SVS1000 3
TalhaMoolla 1
thekeeperza 2
Tiaan Clarke 2
TylerD 0
u4ria 2
Vape Witch 3
VapeGrrl 2
Vaporeon 1
Wapper 5
Yiannaki 3
yuganp 1
zadiac 1
ziti 1
ZortEd 3

Total: 165
Last edited:
You guys are the best, and to put a face by the name/nick, that alone i think is worth the travel not even mentioning the fact that you can walk away with some awsome new friends and who knows maybe some juice or an ego twist:D
You guys are the best, and to put a face by the name/nick, that alone i think is worth the travel not even mentioning the fact that you can walk away with some awsome new friends and who knows maybe some juice or an ego twist:D

The best part is making friends ;)
Is everyone still happy with The Alibi as a venue?

I was thinking of moving it to another venue possibly Picolinos, much more space and we can set up nicely. Alternatively I need to book out the entire Alibi - Thoughts?
I think most of the people will anyway stand outside at Alibi. So IMO booking the whole place will be a waste.

Picolinos looks very promising. I like it!
I personaly dont care were it is, you guys always do such a grate job. All I want is a vape meet with lots of vape goedies and vapers :dance:
Alibi is a great venue. The service is epic. They run individual tabs without any issues.
Happy with Alibi unless space becomes an issue.
Hi Stroods

While I do always think a change can be a good thing, I think that Alibis has sort of "proven" itself as a good venue.

- it has good parking
- good food
- excellent service and the waiters are really brilliant
- its not overly expensive
- many know where it is
- Alibis have always tried to accommodate us

So I would be leaning towards staying at Alibi and perhaps discussing how best to accommodate us and the vape tables with them - before thinking of changing the venue...

Just my view
We can Try Picolino's, maybe give it a test run and see, it's always good to have a backup should we ever require it.
Ok heres what I'll do

I will speak to both venues and see what they are willing to give us. The only problem with Picolinos is when ordering food they can be a bit slow sometimes but the food is fantastic!