Kzn Vape Meet, Round 1

OK all you Banana Boys time to go on a recruitment drive... time to clean up our town of smelly smokers! :D

Nothing like a reformed smoker! :eek:
Ok, time to revive this thread and get our butts into gear and arrange a meet. Let's agree date, time and venue and go for it. (Just make sure @Rob Fisher has enough lead time so he can hire a truck to cart all his vape gear and juices :D)

Ok, time to revive this thread and get our butts into gear and arrange a meet. Let's agree date, time and venue and go for it. (Just make sure @Rob Fisher has enough lead time so he can hire a truck to cart all his vape gear and juices :D)


We could use the hall at Tina's Hotel Markus... that way we have dop, nobody giving us the glarey eyeball for blowing smoke and we don't have to be outside if it rains. Plus we can eat curry and stuff!

Obviously we would need some numbers to make it worth their while... if we only have a few bodies we can use the smoking section at Oscars!
Ok, time to revive this thread and get our butts into gear and arrange a meet. Let's agree date, time and venue and go for it. (Just make sure @Rob Fisher has enough lead time so he can hire a truck to cart all his vape gear and juices :D)


will the truck be enough ;)
Is this fine box you speak of, a place we go to where all the vape gear is stored and say "Damn that mode is fine"?

Bwhahahaha! Actually that would be awesome if I could find such a box... Ooooo a special box made out of exotic wood just to store by vape crap in? Such a good idea! Off to Google!
holy hand grenades batman, the other provinces are leaving us in the dust. We need a vape meet. only way to grow is by actually planting some seeds, etc, etc :) even if the first one is just 4 of us sitting in a pub or next to a braai at the dam
Let's try for next week sometime! Maybe wednesday... let's see how many people we get before choosing a venue.
Well @denizenx and I had our own little Durban Vape Meet last night... we chatted and bonded and played some show and tell and exchanged gifts and generally had a good all round time with the occasional large cloud appearing! So we have officially kicked off the Durbs by the Sea Vape Meets! :D
Super Rob

Did u manage to take a photo?
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