One Hit Wonder- Milkman

As are there overhyped juices. I have gone through so much money in my quest for the ever elusive ADV and have been disappointed so many times. It really is a subjective thing, but I have found a couple of juices now that I like. The only juice that I absolutely love though is Charlie's Chalk Dust - Honey Badger, but it's too expensive to be my ADV. It just hits the spot every time.

I recently discovered Five Points juice range, local Cape Town mixer. It's hitting the market soon, all I'll say is.. watch out, it's a good one.
Ive just placed an order on Five Points, looking forward to trying out their range :)
Maybe this can assist you. If you have a spare tank or two, fill them with juice and let it stand for a few hours. I found it made my experience with Milkman even better. To me, it brought out the flavour even more.
Maybe this can assist you. If you have a spare tank or two, fill them with juice and let it stand for a few hours. I found it made my experience with Milkman even better. To me, it brought out the flavour even more.
Awesome thanks @Pixstar , will give that a bash.
Im going to use the NCV Juice again tonight :) I must say it, also depends on the time of day you vape.. some juices sometimes taste amazing to me and other times they yuk.. so strange.

So, I got another bottle of milk man to give it another go, am definitely getting the burnt/ashy taste that @Chezzig described in the first post.
Going to let a few other people try it out and see what the consensus is.
@Chezzig , Sorry to hear but you're not alone. Taste is very subjective. I held out for months while everyone raved about Milkman, eventually I gave in and bought. I was very disappointed. The same goes for Hazeworks Scream. This has happened more times than I care to remember - most recent Milk Lab Frappe, I just don't taste the coffee, only get a cereal taste which I don't like - now I'm sitting with 1 3/4 bottles. One cannot blame the juice, to most it probably does taste like cake to a starving Somali farmer, but to maybe a few it just doesn't do it. You just got to push the disappointment aside & stay positive. I've eventually found 1 juice I like out of hundreds. When one finds the juice profiles one likes and buy according to that, but at the same time exercising level headed constraint to buy everything, you'll win. Just my few cents of experience.
@Deckie you wanting to get rid of your Milk lab Frappe?
@Rob Fisher I haven't ventured down that ally as yet but I'm pondering ordering a 30ml btl of Tropical ice from Vapour mountain but consider ordering 1 30ml a waste so I'll wait until I can justify it.
I can give you a 10ml of Tropical Ice to try:)
I had quite a bit of funny experiences with strawberry milk/desert type vapes.
The one that I have actually bought again was Bloody Sunday.
But this needs a good steep. It had a very artificial/chemical aftertaste, but after 3 weeks or so, that taste disappeared and it tasted like a vanilla strawberry milkshake, without aftertaste!
Order a bottle of XXX as well. Have you tried Foggs Milky Way? If you don't like them I'll buy them off you. :D
@Rob Fisher Evening Rob, just a report back on VM Tropical Ice & XXX. I ordered a bottle of each and am quite surprised. I prefer the XXX as an ADV so thank you. The Tropical Ice is not bad but rather good in the sense that I find it helps to refresh my palate when I vape my taste buds into a coma. Verdict - Yes I've added them to my arsenal. I also ordered a bottle of Rooibos Peach Iced Tea - too much for everyday to me, but .... I'm going to take a bit and add Tropical Ice to it & see what materializes, one never knows. Thanks again for the prod to take the plunge. Since then I've discovered another ADV for me - Creamy Clouds Pear & Caramel - although it's not something I will vape continuously but a definite.
@Rob Fisher Evening Rob, just a report back on VM Tropical Ice & XXX. I ordered a bottle of each and am quite surprised. I prefer the XXX as an ADV so thank you. The Tropical Ice is not bad but rather good in the sense that I find it helps to refresh my palate when I vape my taste buds into a coma. Verdict - Yes I've added them to my arsenal. I also ordered a bottle of Rooibos Peach Iced Tea - too much for everyday to me, but .... I'm going to take a bit and add Tropical Ice to it & see what materializes, one never knows. Thanks again for the prod to take the plunge. Since then I've discovered another ADV for me - Creamy Clouds Pear & Caramel - although it's not something I will vape continuously but a definite.

Yip XXX is an ADV in any tank or dripper system... Tropical Ice is way too powerful for today's tanks and need to be toned down for a sub ohm tank or used as a mix... at the weekend Arndt came up to me and gave me a tank to test... it was awesome... it was 50/50 Porcupine Rock Coconut and VM Tropical Ice.

Tropical Ice is my ADV in my REO's and is normally 9mg... perfect in a Divo or Cyclone. But on my last order I got some 3mg to mix other juices with to use in my sub ohm tanks!
So, I got another bottle of milk man to give it another go, am definitely getting the burnt/ashy taste that @Chezzig described in the first post.
Going to let a few other people try it out and see what the consensus is.
What was the consensus?