NB Online etiquette

Rob Fisher

Staff member
Winston Park, Durbs
There are a few things about Online etiquette that maybe needs reminding... also there are a lot of new onliners that may not be aware of some of the issues that online forums face...

CAPITALS - Using all Caps is considered shouting and in some cases it needs to be used but in 99% of cases it is not. If in doubt don't use all CAPS! This goes for Titles of threads as well.

Sentence Case - Equally the use of all smalls is also a no-no... especially in Titles of threads. There is a SHIFT key on everyone's keyboard... please try and use it occasionally. Proper sentence case is MUCH easier to read!

Graphics - Uploading pictures is not the huge issue it used to be in the old days but uploading massive graphics is a waste of everyone's bandwidth and really unnecessary. The Maximum size a picture should ever be on an online forum is 800x600 pixels! Every PC comes with the Microsoft Paint program (Unless you are on a Mac in which case you have even better graphics programs). Just load the picture into Paint and use the RE-SIZE option. Select Pixels and do 800x600.

Sticking to this etiquette makes you a good forumite! :rock:

PS ECIGSSA Rocks and so do all the members! :inlove:
Sentence Case - Equally the use of all smalls is also a no-no... especially in Titles of threads. There is a SHIFT key on everyone's keyboard... please try and use it occasionally. Proper sentence case is MUCH easier to read!

I agree with @Rob Fisher

When you start a sentence, use a capital letter, like this one.

Not a good excuse if you are on a mobile. I am often on my mobile. It automatically capitalises the first letter of the first word in a sentence.

When you use small case for everything, it does look sloppy - and sometimes is difficult to understand
now what is so difficult to understand about this - i am lazy and do not like to to expend energy to use the shift key. really, i still use punctuation marks so quite easy to read what i am saying, not so? at least i am not doing sms shorthand, then you will have trouble understanding me. is that not the point of the written language - to communicate to the extent necessary for the reader to understand. surely not my problem if we have some slow people on here. get a life!

Lol, just joking of course:devil:, Mr Fines Master et al. No better way to make the point, though.
My OCD is bad... threads titles without the shift key being involved sends me into a frenzy and I spend a lot of time fixing titles because it looks so kak with out it... one of two things are going to happen from now... ;-)
My OCD is bad... threads titles without the shift key being involved sends me into a frenzy and I spend a lot of time fixing titles because it looks so kak with out it... one of two things are going to happen from now... ;-)

Big fines!
I have a silly pet peev about extra exclamation marks!

! - means you're making a "strong" statement.

Now the problem is to us married guys:

!! - means you're really in kak.
!!!! - means, find the tent, you sleeping outside.

So please folks, one exclamation or question mark :)
i use lower case for 'i' because i've come to dislike the way capital I looks the same as lower case l (L) (You see? i had to put L in parentheses there or you wouldn't have known, you have to get it from the context.) i suppose it's these sanserif fonts; it wouldn't wouldn't be a problem with Times Roman.

Anyway, like someone said, as long as it's not BBM sms lingo. (Which is banned on one forum i know, where i used to be every day.)

Spelling. Or grammar, maybe this is basic grammar.
It's sick. Apostrophe s (if you know what that is!)... is not for plurals. :hit: (Plural means more than one, btw.) As in, one dog, many dogs. Not "dog's." :hit: Apostrophe s indicates possession - like "The dog's balls."

i gave up on loose and lose long ago, i didn't know things were going to get so much worse.

The double exclamation mark - which seems to have become standard, i think it's also a font thing, because somehow a single exclamation is not so noticeable - with the standard computer fonts. But "!!!!!!!!!!!" and "???????????" is overkill.

Although it does seem to be much better here, this forum, and on reddit and ecf.
I am one of those who is just too lazy to capitilize when typing on my laptop. i think its as a result of sitting in front of oracle developer and using sql all day. But i do admit my issue and will attend to it as well. Id rather play ball than pay fines
I am one of those who is just too lazy to capitilize when typing on my laptop. i think its as a result of sitting in front of oracle developer and using sql all day. But i do admit my issue and will attend to it as well. Id rather play ball than pay fines

Good man! :D
The double exclamation mark - which seems to have become standard, i think it's also a font thing, because somehow a single exclamation is not so noticeable - with the standard computer fonts. But "!!!!!!!!!!!" and "???????????" is overkill.

Ya, I was being "nice".

I don't really mind two exclamation marks, but !!!!!!!!!! makes me assume the person is either hyperactive... or four :)
Bump - Sentence Case - Equally the use of all smalls is also a no-no... especially in Titles of threads. There is a SHIFT key on everyone's keyboard... please try and use it occasionally. Proper sentence case is MUCH easier to read!
i use lower case for 'i' because i've come to dislike the way capital I looks the same as lower case l (L) (You see? i had to put L in parentheses there or you wouldn't have known, you have to get it from the context.) i suppose it's these sanserif fonts; it wouldn't wouldn't be a problem with Times Roman.

Anyway, like someone said, as long as it's not BBM sms lingo. (Which is banned on one forum i know, where i used to be every day.)

Spelling. Or grammar, maybe this is basic grammar.
It's sick. Apostrophe s (if you know what that is!)... is not for plurals. :hit: (Plural means more than one, btw.) As in, one dog, many dogs. Not "dog's." :hit: Apostrophe s indicates possession - like "The dog's balls."

i gave up on loose and lose long ago, i didn't know things were going to get so much worse.

The double exclamation mark - which seems to have become standard, i think it's also a font thing, because somehow a single exclamation is not so noticeable - with the standard computer fonts. But "!!!!!!!!!!!" and "???????????" is overkill.

Although it does seem to be much better here, this forum, and on reddit and ecf.

I am one of the guilty once when it comes to punctuation , . ' " the forum does not fix for you, so i can 99% of the time fix my spelling but my Freestate English go all haywire with those swearword thingies

Oh and the occasional abbreviation comes in sometime ;) .. like ppl for people

In the reviews i do try my best to keep everything correct but again the Freestate English is big in the foreground :)

My apology if i offend some one ;)
I am one of the guilty once when it comes to punctuation , . ' " the forum does not fix for you, so i can 99% of the time fix my spelling but my Freestate English go all haywire with those swearword thingies

Oh and the occasional abbreviation comes in sometime ;) .. like ppl for people

In the reviews i do try my best to keep everything correct but again the Freestate English is big in the foreground :)

My apology if i offend some one ;)

I doubt anyone would actually be offended :)
Whooo Hooo!!! where going camping

But sorry guys, I am a big offender on some / most of the above. I will work on sorting it.
I go through different phases regarding how I feel about online etiquette..things that used to bug me
your you're (the difference between "knowing your sh1t", and "knowing you're sh1t"
lose loose
onto on to
moot mute

but I have learned to blank them all...they are insignificant when confronted by
"statements with question marks."
It drives me crazy, and I am happy to see it hasnt arrived at this forum (yet)....but when it does...you'll see...it'll come...you just want to give that person a massive hug
with a hammer

As praise to ecigssa, I find this forum one of the easiest to read by far...English may be a second language to some (including me) but learning it by reading a textbook at school seems to lead to a higher standard of writing. You chaps talking about Freestate English actually USE English better than *most* chaps on UK forums.
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I agree with @Xhale ...I used to get all worked up about the various quirks in online language use. Then I had a vape and relaxed :D

The thing is that online communities are comprised of a very large and diverse group of people who have different proficiencies with language. In the end there is only one golden rule IMHO...being able to communicate what you are trying to say. If I understand what someone is saying, then it really does not matter to me whether they use the "correct" words, spelling, tenses, punctuation, etc. Those who take offense at incorrect words, punctuation, and grammar use are usually intelligent enough to understand what the person means, otherwise they would not get upset in the first place.

In the end I do not think these should be in a thread called etiquette (which is about behaviour). These are just a part of our modern multi-cultural (and multi-language) society that we should all accept, especially if someone is not trying to be an @$$hole (those are sorted out by the community very quickly anyways).

That said, those who are able should at least try to be considerate of the people to whom language is important and who value the correct use of it.

Breathe, take a nice strong vape and just be kind to one another.
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