Paddy vapes Tube mod (nr 04) for sale with 22mm dead rabbit rba(silver)

A would anyone like to purchase?

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For that price the rabbit should surely come back to life and coil and wick the setup itself using its own fluff as wicking material
Own juice aswell dude.. Fluff as wicking material... ... U mean cotton?
@Shiv_z ..... would you maybe be interested in a swap?
I wanted to sell my Miso and DragX Plus for R8000 but willing to do a straight swap on condition that your gear is as well looked after than mine are.
View attachment 232591
Stunning... I have to decline the great offer though.....
@Shiv_z ..... would you maybe be interested in a swap?
I wanted to sell my Miso and DragX Plus for R8000 but willing to do a straight swap on condition that your gear is as well looked after than
@Shiv_z ..... would you maybe be interested in a swap?
I wanted to sell my Miso and DragX Plus for R8000 but willing to do a straight swap on condition that your gear is as well looked after than mine are.
View attachment 232591

Cool.... Where shall we meet?
Wow your so smart... How'd u ever guess that? It comes with an entire human

There is no reason to turn it into a personal attack and pick on a person's level of intellect, in your response you're telling me 'Wow your so smart'...

But if you insist that you must attempt to pick on an individuals intellectual capabilities and elect to engage as such, at least know the different context in which to utilize the adjective "your" and the contraction "you're".

Also - you've pitched up on this forum, no need to follow the suggestions and introduce yourself or anything, and your first post was a sale post for an item which retailed brand new for under R2000- its now used (9.5/10 per the advert, but a quick zoom in on the pictures show the dents on the device-so it has likely been dropped before) and is priced at R7500 non negotiable. And suddenly today there is an added setup in the deal (no condition/ age etc) but it was 'forgotten' in the initial post.

I think most of the responses to the advert have been sarcastic based on the initial post. Sadly, either someone ripped you off on this setup and you are trying to recoup your funds, or you are just trying to rip someone off by selling at the advertised price.

This is a forum of (mostly) helpful people and there is a sense of community amongst us. If we wanted to get taken for a ride, we would have booked an Uber.

It's just banter mate... welcome back though and glad to see you stuck around and engaged some more with the rest of us. You'll fit right in!
@Shiv_z ..... would you maybe be interested in a swap?
I wanted to sell my Miso and DragX Plus for R8000 but willing to do a straight swap on condition that your gear is as well looked after than mine are.
View attachment 232591
There is no reason to turn it into a personal attack and pick on a person's level of intellect, in your response you're telling me 'Wow your so smart'...

But if you insist that you must attempt to pick on an individuals intellectual capabilities and elect to engage as such, at least know the different context in which to utilize the adjective "your" and the contraction "you're".

Also - you've pitched up on this forum, no need to follow the suggestions and introduce yourself or anything, and your first post was a sale post for an item which retailed brand new for under R2000- its now used (9.5/10 per the advert, but a quick zoom in on the pictures show the dents on the device-so it has likely been dropped before) and is priced at R7500 non negotiable. And suddenly today there is an added setup in the deal (no condition/ age etc) but it was 'forgotten' in the initial post.

I think most of the responses to the advert have been sarcastic based on the initial post. Sadly, either someone ripped you off on this setup and you are trying to recoup your funds, or you are just trying to rip someone off by selling at the advertised price.

This is a forum of (mostly) helpful people and there is a sense of community amongst us. If we wanted to get taken for a ride, we would have booked an Uber.
Wow, okay, so let's stop with the cellphone language and rather talk in accordance with your intellectual ability, as your response was drafted with a certain intention, that is to intimidate me by using words that you think i wouldn't understand. Your lack of use of an apostrophe in the above - mentioned word, and i quote "individuals" clearly does not indicate possession. I hope that you do not omit same in future.

As I've mentioned this morning, after posting the photograph of the second vape to which i unintentionally excluded from my initial post, i am new and i do not know the procedures for newcomers. The R 7500 was again, a typo, to which im sorry. The total for both devices is R7000. I had no access to a phone or a laptop ever since i joined this group as i have recently been a victim of crime. R 7000 is my offer for both the devices. Before i could explain myself, this thread blew up (guess the figure of speech?), and i got taken for a fool.
You really shouldn't tell me about my devices as im aware of their condition, as will the purchaser, if any, will arrive at the same conclusion upon viewing them in person. So do not speculate MR cotton. I would not sell a mech thats been dropped as i understand the dangers and consequences thereof.

Well practice what you preach, be helpful rather than mock. This post is intended for interested people only, as those whom aren't, won't feel as if they're being taken for a ride.

How's that, mr Einstein (type o again)
Wow, okay, so let's stop with the cellphone language and rather talk in accordance with your intellectual ability, as your response was drafted with a certain intention, that is to intimidate me by using words that you think i wouldn't understand. Your lack of use of an apostrophe in the above - mentioned word, and i quote "individuals" clearly does not indicate possession. I hope that you do not omit same in future.

As I've mentioned this morning, after posting the photograph of the second vape to which i unintentionally excluded from my initial post, i am new and i do not know the procedures for newcomers. The R 7500 was again, a typo, to which im sorry. The total for both devices is R7000. I had no access to a phone or a laptop ever since i joined this group as i have recently been a victim of crime. R 7000 is my offer for both the devices. Before i could explain myself, this thread blew up (guess the figure of speech?), and i got taken for a fool.
You really shouldn't tell me about my devices as im aware of their condition, as will the purchaser, if any, will arrive at the same conclusion upon viewing them in person. So do not speculate MR cotton. I would not sell a mech thats been dropped as i understand the dangers and consequences thereof.

Well practice what you preach, be helpful rather than mock. This post is intended for interested people only, as those whom aren't, won't feel as if they're being taken for a ride.

How's that, mr Einstein (type o again)
I just want to know how you got to the 7k figure? Please let me know.
Hi everyone.. Really sorry about that... It's my first time joining and did forget to upload other pics... Its the paddy tube mech together with the leprechaun and the 22mm twisted messes
This literally changes everything @Shiv_z :number_one:
I would take @kzor’s offer though and maybe ask for some cash to even things out… at R6000 for Drag X Plus and R2000 for the Miso, I feel he took a little chance there. We all know the Miso sells for R2000 brand new. @KZOR give the man a fair offer!
Seeing 90% of us agree the Paddy should go for around R1000
The 22 Rabbit give or take is R350 at best.
The 22 TM give or take is R450

Leprechaun you pricing at R5200? o_O
This post has got the most hits in 1 month than any other post since Covid 19 hit SA
My advice, archive this add and create a new one listing all the items with reasonable pricing. Your price is way above what the items are worth mate.
My advice, archive this add and create a new one listing all the items with reasonable pricing. Your price is way above what the items are worth mate.
Bliksem!iemand moet die “bargain” koop en hom moer met die ding……en dan sy geld terug vra!die Wim loop sterk hier!
Jokes aside. I would love to know the price on the Paddy alone as I would be interested, that saying... if it goes for a reasonable price.