Reading Forum As A Non-vaper

LOL, thanks for this @baksteen8168:

I've ordered 2 russians and one fogger. One russian still on it's way, but both the other russian and fogger were good. Smooth threading, deep juice channels, etc. Only complaint I have is the driptip on the fogger is a bit loose... Nothing that the floss trick couldn't fix though.
LOL, thanks for this @baksteen8168:

I've ordered 2 russians and one fogger. One russian still on it's way, but both the other russian and fogger were good. Smooth threading, deep juice channels, etc. Only complaint I have is the driptip on the fogger is a bit loose... Nothing that the floss trick couldn't fix though.

LOve the detail ;)
LOL, thanks for this @baksteen8168:

I've ordered 2 russians and one fogger. One russian still on it's way, but both the other russian and fogger were good. Smooth threading, deep juice channels, etc. Only complaint I have is the driptip on the fogger is a bit loose... Nothing that the floss trick couldn't fix though.
Oops... I should have proof read that before posting...