Really Craving a Cigarette


Experienced Vaper
So I have started vaping and was doing well. So started reducing the nic in my juice gradually to 0, but the last two weeks I have really be craving a sigarette. Can it be that I need to go back to nic in my juice?

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Mate - hang in there. It is worth it to fight that urge. You are not alone - most of us fought the same battle. Every now and again I still feel like a cig, but then I grab my BB and a tank full of my favorite juice - XXX - and I chain vape the cr@p out of it. And every time after I did that, I think of all the reasons why I am glad that I kicked the 40-60 cigs a day. I have my last full carton of cigs that I bought still on display in my house. It reminds me that I beat a 40 year old habit. Man it feels good Stongs mate

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Thanks I do appreciate it

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Have a 3 mg handy for those braai and kuier days, for sure.
Nic, without the cigarette, is in the same class at the least of caffeine.

@Andre Would 1 extra mg of nic make a difference? Just wondering as I've been thinking of adding an extra mg to a few bottles just for those stressful times of life - such as now when I'm having renovations done and there are builders ... and noise ... and mess ... and my dogs are agitated ... and I'm agitated!
@Andre Would 1 extra mg of nic make a difference? Just wondering as I've been thinking of adding an extra mg to a few bottles just for those stressful times of life - such as now when I'm having renovations done and there are builders ... and noise ... and mess ... and my dogs are agitated ... and I'm agitated!
Well, if you vape 2mg, that extra 1mg will certainly make a difference. If, however, you vape at 12mg, an extra 1mg will not make much of a difference.
Hang in there @HvNDhF

You have done so well to go on the vaping and off the stinkies

Definitely up the nicotine and dont worry about it. I think its still so much better for you than smoking.

I also craved a cigarette many times in the first few months. What helped me was a strong tobacco juice. I still get the occasional craving. 4 years later! But very infrequently. And its not intense.

Still have my trusty tobacco high nic on hand at all times.
Quick update. Mixed up some 2mg juice. Moved to a dripper tank and away drom the sub ohm tanks and wow. No cravings and enjoying my vape again.

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Well I stopped smoking and went to 3mg juice. Problaby for 3 months. Starting DIY juices and from there dropped to 0 within 2 or 3 months. But lately when having a braai or kuier or whatever I really crave a sigarette. Will up my nic levels to 2mg again.

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I have the same problem, I found that a very high nic, strong tobacco flavour, mtl, does the trick for braais
I remember when I quit smoking and started vaping I had withdrawal symptoms even while vaping with nicotine. I firmly believe that cigarettes contain many other chemicals that we get addicted to which is not in ejuice. Rather just tough it out and suck on that vape.
So I have started vaping and was doing well. So started reducing the nic in my juice gradually to 0, but the last two weeks I have really be craving a sigarette. Can it be that I need to go back to nic in my juice?

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my brother next time the craving strikes try a neat hit of pg. or a Pg nic mix.
our bodies is not al the same and we don't always crave the nicotine.remember the other thousands of chemicals and in a cigarette.its to quit but going back is worse coz you going to be harder on yourself for lighting up
strength to you
Quick update. Mixed up some 2mg juice. Moved to a dripper tank and away drom the sub ohm tanks and wow. No cravings and enjoying my vape again.

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Great news, both the enjoyment, but also beating the craving! 5 months later I am still on 2 mg Nic and it doesn't bother me, I am smoke free! Although not proven 100% safe, I will rather take my chances with a vape.

Agree with @RenaldoRheeder , when needed, chain vape. Heck, I finish 6-8 mls just to get home!, so you do not want to see me chain vape, fire brigade stuff. Good luck going forward, once you get through the first braai and booze without falling of the wagon, it becomes easier every time. Best part is you have already mastered that!! Happy clouds to you.