Rob's Ramblings

Ooh and another thing uncle @Rob Fisher that smy 260 looks ridiculous :-D

On the bright side if ever your cars hand brake isnt working properly you could always use that mod as a manuel break under the tyre :-D
Ooh and another thing uncle @Rob Fisher that smy 260 looks ridiculous :-D

On the bright side if ever your cars hand brake isnt working properly you could always use that mod as a manuel break under the tyre :-D

It is a really stupid mod... :confused: who would buy this is beyond me... and I have been looking for a brick to carry around to brace my boat trailer... now thanks to your suggestion I have found one. :D
It is a really stupid mod... :confused: who would buy this is beyond me... and I have been looking for a brick to carry around to brace my boat trailer... now thanks to your suggestion I have found one. :D

Shame gearbest probably sent for review cause they have thousands of those mods in stock and no one wants to buy them , i wonder why :-D

Reminds me of this...

At that rate
The next mod that comes out will have
A external battery that looks like this..


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Great episode of Robs Ramblings yet again @Rob Fisher
Just love watching and hearing your views on all the gadgets -

Lol, loved the pic of the leaf blower you inserted after the leaf blowing break ;-)

PS - you are right about the Serpent Mini 25. Great tank so far on my side too!

As for VapeCon 2016 - thanks for all your help and involvement behind the scenes and on the day Rob. Without that and the many many things you helped and advised on in the run up, it wouldnt have been half as good.

Here's to hopefully more goosebumps next year ;-)
I've been away mostly lately the last few weeks dealing with issues. But WOW! A plethora of your video's to catch up on brother @Rob Fisher. Not gear I am much interested in, but fun to watch as the sun came up here this morning. I really do like your videos, great medicine.
Its been a while since your gorge has seen some action:-D. I have been looking forward to your thoughts on that Wraith.
I am sure Todd would have a go at that.
Nice review of the Wraith @Rob Fisher. I need to play with more builds on the RDA, lacking flavour for me so far and I suspect the spitback protector might be an attributing factor. I have found the bottom door closes a lot more smoothly if you hold the mod upside down and apply pressure evenly across the whole door from the top instead of pushing it in from the side.

I actually like the weight, it sits good in the hand. Overall an awesome little device, my first squonker and it's nice to have something different that works so well.
Great videos @Rob Fisher
Never easy to be negative but you always tell it like it is

I liked the video on the Wraith. Seems very nice
And the efforts you put in on the close up photos after. Just that music hurt my head a bit. Lol
Awesome stuff Rob, thanks
Very nice review on the wraith squonker. Enjoying mine a lot.
Just wanted to say that you mentioned a gap on the bottom latch when closed ....mine seals perfect with no gap present when closed.
Strange when I saw yours in the video.
Every time I hear Rob's theme tune, I want to jol into Hillbrow and buy some chicken from Fontana in Highpoint at 3am, then play some Asteroids or Pac-man in the gaming shop next to the escalators. That's what I used to do when I worked at Hillbrow Record Centre in 1981. Eish, good times, and that song reminds me of that era perfectly.
Every time I hear Rob's theme tune, I want to jol into Hillbrow and buy some chicken from Fontana in Highpoint at 3am, then play some Asteroids or Pac-man in the gaming shop next to the escalators. That's what I used to do when I worked at Hillbrow Record Centre in 1981. Eish, good times, and that song reminds me of that era perfectly.

And then go to Wimpy for the eat as much as you can special - and then go below road level to Exclusive Books to browse some books...

Lol @RichJB
So glad you reviewed the Wraith @Rob Fisher ... and interesting that you thought so highly of the atomiser - I have been battling with either too little flavour or too much spitback on mine. It's still early days of rebuilding for me, but I would be very keen to learn of a good flavour build (not interested in clouds) with no, or less, juice spitting
So glad you reviewed the Wraith @Rob Fisher ... and interesting that you thought so highly of the atomiser - I have been battling with either too little flavour or too much spitback on mine. It's still early days of rebuilding for me, but I would be very keen to learn of a good flavour build (not interested in clouds) with no, or less, juice spitting

@Darth Vaper I got spit back when I first built it with a clapton... my current build is a Nichrome 24g dual coil with a diameter of 3mm great flavour and no spit back.
Every time I hear Rob's theme tune, I want to jol into Hillbrow and buy some chicken from Fontana in Highpoint at 3am, then play some Asteroids or Pac-man in the gaming shop next to the escalators. That's what I used to do when I worked at Hillbrow Record Centre in 1981. Eish, good times, and that song reminds me of that era perfectly.

Mate, lived in Hillbrow in 1981, will guarantee our paths have crossed at record centre at some point, as I was in there 3 or 4 times a week. Hillbrow was a jol in those days.