Show your tattoos


On a journey to find my marbles
For those, like me, who loves tattoos. Please share your art, concerns, tips and tricks.

To get the ball rolling heres mine:



Second one looks a bit scew as its a fresh tat and swelling affects the straight lines
That 1st one looks epic. I wish I'd given more thought to mine before I got them and saved up to get bigger ones. The details are fading a bit and bleeding into each other. Also got very hairy a few years after they were slapped on, lol, so not looking as macho as they did when fresh. Currently in need of some fresh ink, but money is too tight and no idea what I want. I do want something with a bit of "shock value" though that is either partially or fully visible. Maybe a neck tattoo.... but I'll make you guys a deal, if I ever find a girlfriend again that can get the right angles, I'll post some of mine. :-D will post the two I can reach easily now.

IMG_20211009_172549.jpg IMG_20211009_172604.jpg
Thanks bud. Yeah the 1st one is a piece that took 3 sessions. Love it. The 2nd one will look just as good once healed since it was only finished yesterday. Swelling messes up the entire piece
On a semi serious note, I am curious about tattoos, what does one do with tattoos as your body changes?
Picture the scene ... You have a tattoo of a Leopard placed on your tit in your 20's, and by the time you're 70, you have a Giraffe :wasntme:
On a semi serious note, I am curious about tattoos, what does one do with tattoos as your body changes?
Picture the scene ... You have a tattoo of a Leopard placed on your tit in your 20's, and by the time you're 70, you have a Giraffe :wasntme:

You could just cover it up with a bikini.

Currently in need of some fresh ink, but money is too tight and no idea what I want. I do want something with a bit of "shock value" though that is either partially or fully visible.

Something like this.. (not mine though)
