Sir Vape Juice Flavour Profiles

Nom Nom Nom if you know what I mean:rolleyes:
Vaped it on a Veritas(authentic>:)) @ 0.8ohm on a 9wrap 3mm 24g vertical coil 46watts with an iPV 2. Flavor is as described by the profile.

I get the warm Apple Cinnamon on the inhale and proper pie crust on the exhale. The cream is very very subtle and I believe will be more prominant on a high ohm build or with lower watts. My sample is a 12mg so its pretty intense for me 6mg will be heavanly. The flavors are not super intense, the mix is just right. I prefer a higher vg but 50/50 keeps a happy medium as it will work on anything.

This juice is definitely to international standards, doesn't taste like artificial poo. The bottle is glass, looks beautiful. Discussed the price point with the hobbity and if it is what we discussed then I see no reason to do international juice orders as it's at a brilliant price. Bigguy tells me the other 4 flavours are actually better, if that is true. We have a serious winner on our hands. Get your CC's ready when this line launches, they do not dissapoint. My juice collection is primarily from international vendors as I was rather dissapointed with local stuff(No offense to vendors).

@BigGuy @Sirvape EXCELLENT JUICE BROS, well done you guys certainly do the local vape community proud:rock:
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@VandaL What you looking for a job :cool: wow what can i say dude you nailed it on the head from the review and just remember this stuff is only a week and a bit old and by the time it goes live it will have some good time steeping. We aim to please, the HOBBIT IS CRYING!!!;(
@VandaL What you looking for a job :cool: wow what can i say dude you nailed it on the head from the review and just remember this stuff is only a week and a bit old and by the time it goes live it will have some good time steeping. We aim to please, the HOBBIT IS CRYING!!!;(
Get to bottling :punch: stop vaping the supply :emo:
@Sir Vape . Absolutely love the label. Would buy it on that look alone. Also the clearly marked 0 alcohol is a perfect touch. I will definitely be making a purchase once all profiles are released and the juice is ready for sale. Looking forward to seeing them all
Congrats on the awesome bottles and labels... sounds delicious!
And we add Sir Vape No 2. Really excited about this one and can't wait for you guys to taste it :)

@Marzuq What would you think is a good price to pay for a international juice?