Spicyvape juice - potential group buy

Room Fogger

Reviewer, Reonaut and Vaping Addict
Krugersdorp, West Rand
Nearly pulled the trigger last night, but realized that I still have to pay accounts first. Maybe a group buy later to get it here easier, by courier, other than oversteepeep by SAPO
Nearly pulled the trigger last night, but realized that I still have to pay accounts first. Maybe a group buy later to get it here easier, by courier, other than oversteepeep by SAPO

@Room Fogger How do you know that they send individual orders via SAPO?
I don't, I'm hoping and praying! Will still have to see what delivery options are available, I think they send via Mail.

I contacted them via direct link on their website to ask about the shipping. Waiting for a reply.
They ship all their parcels through Israel postal company, so gonna end up at SAPO.

Yep, so I understand. I've asked if it's possible to do door-to-door courier, though of course there would be a charge for that. Are you going to organise a group-buy? Maybe we can get some discount ;) With the Merak Infusion group-buy we got a 15% discount because 30 bottles were ordered.
It might be worth it to everyone's pocket, I hope my finances will be in order with the drs bills coming in, but will allways try to make a plan, and if that doesn't work I'll make another one. Some of the flavour s really look appealing to me to try, and the pricing seems good for an imported juice.
It might be worth it to everyone's pocket, I hope my finances will be in order with the drs bills coming in, but will allways try to make a plan, and if that doesn't work I'll make another one. Some of the flavour s really look appealing to me to try, and the pricing seems good for an imported juice.

@Room Fogger Doctor's bills can only be painful!! I'm waiting for their reply as to whether they would be prepared to courier. Then we'd need to ask about discount if a certain number of bottles are ordered. Since it was your idea to do a group-buy, would you like to run with it? I don't mind making the enquiries, but neither do I want you to feel that I'm just taking over!
Ignore me if you think i'm interfering but if you were to start a Spicyvape group buy thread people will be more aware and you'll actually know how many people are interested and what you have to work with the bigger the order the more chance i would of thought of spicyvape doing a courier delivery. I only say because i'm seeing talk of a group buy but only 2 people talking about it. In the UK we call that 2 people not a group lol.
Ignore me if you think i'm interfering but if you were to start a Spicyvape group buy thread people will be more aware and you'll actually know how many people are interested and what you have to work with the bigger the order the more chance i would of thought of spicyvape doing a courier delivery. I only say because i'm seeing talk of a group buy but only 2 people talking about it. In the UK we call that 2 people not a group lol.

@Timwis :rofl:you're quite right, but the group-buy hasn't been advertised yet. It's just something that RoomFogger mentioned and I picked up on it. I'm sure @Room Fogger will advertise it on the forum soon. We need hard facts re courier and quantities for discount , so that we can make that info available. Thanks for your comments though, which I view as advice and not interference. Any further advice would be welcome!
more info on them emailing. Whenever they have emailed me it seems to be around 10pm UK time so another 90 mins so i wouldn't rule out a reply today
Problem for me organizing is I might be in hospital anytime between now and Monday morning, waiting for a bed and don't know duration of the stay yet. So it might be a bit difficult. If it can wait until I come out I will gladly see regarding the organization, until then unfortunately I am unable to. If @Hooked can get some info together in the interim we can definately make a run of it and see how many we can pull in and who is interested once I'm back.
Problem for me organizing is I might be in hospital anytime between now and Monday morning, waiting for a bed and don't know duration of the stay yet. So it might be a bit difficult. If it can wait until I come out I will gladly see regarding the organization, until then unfortunately I am unable to. If @Hooked can get some info together in the interim we can definately make a run of it and see how many we can pull in and who is interested once I'm back.
All the best @Room Fogger.
Problem for me organizing is I might be in hospital anytime between now and Monday morning, waiting for a bed and don't know duration of the stay yet. So it might be a bit difficult. If it can wait until I come out I will gladly see regarding the organization, until then unfortunately I am unable to. If @Hooked can get some info together in the interim we can definately make a run of it and see how many we can pull in and who is interested once I'm back.

@Room Fogger Oh gosh sorry to hear that it's that serious. Hope you can vape in hospital but no ... you'd have to go to the UK for that! Of course we'll wait until you're back and by then I'll have the necessary info to pass on to you. When you're back on your feet pls. let me know in this thread or PM. Wishing you all the best!
Last time was able, so hoping this time as well. Neurologist was hesitant at first but then gave in, after giving him a lecture, outsidevthough but got to see trees at least, and sick people make me feel worse. Hoping they can figure out what it actually is, want to get on with life. Being like a baby is irritating, and dropping stuff is upping my cleaning regime. Battle to mix, wick etc, that's why tesrdriving BB with commercial coils, good so far
@Timwis Israel is the same time as South Africa.
Yes i know 2 hours ahead of the UK, just pointing out they don't seem to send emails till very late at night for some reason, at least that's been my experience.
@Room Fogger Oh gosh sorry to hear that it's that serious. Hope you can vape in hospital but no ... you'd have to go to the UK for that! Of course we'll wait until you're back and by then I'll have the necessary info to pass on to you. When you're back on your feet pls. let me know in this thread or PM. Wishing you all the best!
Lol were on earth did you hear you can vape in hospitals in the UK?
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Last time was able, so hoping this time as well. Neurologist was hesitant at first but then gave in, after giving him a lecture, outsidevthough but got to see trees at least, and sick people make me feel worse. Hoping they can figure out what it actually is, want to get on with life. Being like a baby is irritating, and dropping stuff is upping my cleaning regime. Battle to mix, wick etc, that's why tesrdriving BB with commercial coils, good so far

Good for you for educating your neurologist to a certain degree. What kind of problems are you experiencing, other than dropping stuff - if you want to talk about it, that is. I don't mean to pry - just curious. No problem if you don't want to discuss it further.
Good for you for educating your neurologist to a certain degree. What kind of problems are you experiencing, other than dropping stuff - if you want to talk about it, that is. I don't mean to pry - just curious. No problem if you don't want to discuss it further.
No problem in sharing, might help someone else out there to take a look at themselves and not to have the same happen to them,

The consensus at this stage is that I have had a stroke, although some of the tesrts are negarive, I am unable to function 100%. Tired, attention span of golgpdfish, limb weakness, so being treated for that and MS which can give some of same symptoms , I have the Picasso face and mouth, so no oil painting any more, off balance and problems judging distance and depth perception as well. All viral and bacterial infections have now been excluded. So let's see, rehab can assist wit some but lifestyle changes will be needed, even maybe a new job with less stress but less money as well, but better quality of ice. Wish pills would also kick in now. Went from the odd pain pill or flu tablet to nearly 30 per day, come down to about 12 currently. We don't switch off any more, overstimulate by media and tv and always available, also to work via wireless connectivity, so no real rest. At least my blood pressure is now normal again.
No problem in sharing, might help someone else out there to take a look at themselves and not to have the same happen to them,

The consensus at this stage is that I have had a stroke, although some of the tesrts are negarive, I am unable to function 100%. Tired, attention span of golgpdfish, limb weakness, so being treated for that and MS which can give some of same symptoms , I have the Picasso face and mouth, so no oil painting any more, off balance and problems judging distance and depth perception as well. All viral and bacterial infections have now been excluded. So let's see, rehab can assist wit some but lifestyle changes will be needed, even maybe a new job with less stress but less money as well, but better quality of ice. Wish pills would also kick in now. Went from the odd pain pill or flu tablet to nearly 30 per day, come down to about 12 currently. We don't switch off any more, overstimulate by media and tv and always available, also to work via wireless connectivity, so no real rest. At least my blood pressure is now normal again.

@Room Fogger Good heavens! It's quite scary ... we take our health for granted, assuming that we will be the same tomorrow as we are today, but things can change within a fraction of a second. Were your symptoms acute i.e. sudden, or did they develop gradually?
I guess you're unable to drive now, if you can't judge distance and depth? Has your speech been affected? What kind of rehab are you undergoing?

You're so right about not switching off these days. I read an article some time back about employers insisting that their staff answer emails even after hours. WTF????? Has the world gone mad? I can understand that dealing with international clients is different because of time zones, but locally? No ways!! I was speaking to someone the other day and he said that clients Whatsapp and phone him in the evening and weekends, so now he switches off his work phone after hours. Good for him!

Technology is supposed to make our life easier. It has not.
Battling a bit with the walking, writing, talking, biggest problem in concentration and tiredness, the depth perception means I have already lost one mirror, so now rely on the old lady to chauffeur me around, and locust 1 over weekends.
Battling a bit with the walking, writing, talking, biggest problem in concentration and tiredness, the depth perception means I have already lost one mirror, so now rely on the old lady to chauffeur me around, and locust 1 over weekends.

How are you on the keyboard? lol about the mirror - did you have a head-on collision? You're fortunate to have someone who can help you. I often wonder what on earth I would do if something like this happens to me.
What is "locust 1"?