USA vape shops closed due to heavy taxes.

Sin taxes are unfortunately an easy win for govt. 80% of taxpayers neither smoke nor vape. So it's the lowest of low-hanging fruit for the govt.
I see that in Penn they are proposing a 5c per ml tax on juice instead of the blanket 40% on wholesale. I don't think Enyawreklaw will have any problems with that, heh. More subscribers to his website, more views on his podcasts, more vapers buying his one-shots. Although one wonders how long the powers-that-be will leave the DIY loophole open? DIY escaped almost unscathed from the FDA deeming regs. I'd be surprised if that continued indefinitely.
It's an epiphany that they don't put sin tax on Mac Donald's burgers that are so super unhealthy. Or on sugar free gum or diet cola which contains Aspartame, a dangerous chemical. I hate properly un- researched over regulation.

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I suppose their bottom line is that people need to eat, we can't survive without it. But can we survive without nicotine? 80% of the population seem to manage just fine. It's easy to sell a sin tax to the 80% of voters who don't smoke. It's harder to sell a sin tax to the 100% of people who do eat. :p

Sin taxes are designed to discourage people from certain activities. Govt want people to stop smoking and drinking. Asking them to stop eating would be a bit harsh.